A huge “thank you” for a great year! We had a great time and thank our students, staff and our host ranges for another great year. Our family of instructors at GSL Defense Training provide the best basic personal protection / personal defense firearm training in Illinois.
Our Staff
Frank Wright
Pete Wheeler
Jeff Schwarm
Eric Schwarm
Rick Pere
John Naese
Wendy Lund
Rob Keller
Bob Holland
Dan Heaton
Greg Hertz
Bonnie Garrett
Steve Davis
Kay Davis
John Boch
Tentative Dates for 2013
GSL Defense Training’s NRA Personal Protection in the Home
April 27-28 at Darnall’s / Bloomington
June 8-9 at Darnall’s / Bloomington
July 20-21 at DeWitt Co. Sportsmen’s
Sept 28-29 at Darnall’s / Bloomington
Intermediate Personal Protection: Training to Live and Win
Oct 12-13 at Darnall’s / Bloomington
Visit www.gsldefensetraining.com for registration form and details. Earlybird registration bargain through end of year.

From just our most recent class, what our students said…
Female, age 51-60: “I learned so much more than expected and had fun at the same time. All of the instructors were so friendly and helpful. I truly enjoyed the class and I didn’t think I would. I am now comfortable handling weapons. Thank you so much!”
Female, 21-25: “I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It gave me confidence in my abilities with my new pistol and made shooting fun. I was scared at first, but the wonderful instructors helped me overcome my fears. Rick Pere was very much appreciated – he helped me with one of my greatest fears. He was awesome (insert smiley face).”
Female, 31-40: “The class, materials and instructors were phenomenal. It was well-organized, concise and informative. I learned more than I expected – the class exceeded my expectations and has improved my confidence and assuredness than I can and will be able to protect my family if necessary.”
“Before I came here, I was so apprehensive about firing my guns that it was physically affecting me and my confidence. By the end of the weekend I feel safe around my family’s guns and anxious to practice more. Thank you so much!”
“I came to the class with a lot of shooting experience, but the class was still very beneficial. I got a lot out of the classroom portion as well as malfunction clearing and fixing a bad habit in my grip. Instructors were excellent!
“Very enjoyable and very useful. It took the mystery out of using a handgun defensively and was a great introduction to self-defense. Very professionally run! Thank you!”
What areas of this course were most beneficial: “The interaction with the instructors. All were very personable, worked together well with one another *and* with the students. They kept things from being too serious, yet still were able to project the importance of each lesson. I am particularly grateful to Jeff, John B. and Dan. They talked me through my nervousness, encouraged me to do my best and gently corrected mistakes. This has been a great experience.”
“This class was my wife’s and my anniversary gift to each other. What a bunch of fun! Much learning and fun!! Great for confidence and fun!!!”
“Great course!! So much on how to stay safe and *not* have to use a *weapon*!!!”
How could this course be improved? “More shooting time. Everything else was wonderful.”
“Exceeded my expectations – can’t believe all the time and effort everyone puts into the course. God Bless!!”
“All of the instructors were great on getting to everyone as time allowed.” Best part of the class? “Helping my wife feel better using her handgun. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!! [yes, he – male, age 41-50, put seven exclamation points after ‘thank you all’ in all-caps. Guessing he’s been trying to do this for years with limited success.]
“I think this course was very good and I am not really sure how you could improve it. The classroom part really taught me a lot. The barricades were very helpful and the indoor low-light scenario was good. I really liked the instructors’ help. They showed me what I could do to improve and gave me the confidence that I could improve.”
“Well done. Fine instructors; every one complemented each other very well. They represented a very good range of knowledge and experience.”
Female, 31-40. “The class, materials and instructors were phenomenal. It was well-organized, concise and informative. I learned more than I expected – the class exceeded my expectations and has improved my confidence and assuredness than I can and will be able to protect my family if necessary.”
“The shooting exercises were great and built my confidence in shooting a gun in high-stress conditions. I learned how I respond in those situations and how to improve on my next lesson – which the class provided. The instructors are awesome. They made it both fun and educational. You timed the lessons and breaks perfectly. I felt I had enough time to “recover” and I learned a LOT (double underlined). Thank you for a great experience, one I will NEVER forget.”
“Before I came here, I was so apprehensive about firing my guns that it was physically affecting me and my confidence. By the end of the weekend I feel safe around my family’s guns and anxious to practice more. Thank you so much!”
What areas of this course were most beneficial: “The interaction with the instructors. All were very personable, worked together well with one another *and* with the students. They kept things from being too serious, yet still were able to projet the importance of each lesson. I am particularly grateful to Jeff, John B. and Dan. They talked me through my nervousness, encouraged me to do my best and gently corrected mistakes. This has been a great experience.”
“The instructors were very patient will all of us. I was impressed with the number of instructors and the knowledge of each one. They were very valuable in my understanding of handling a gun and self-defense. It was a very worthwhile class and I would strongly recommend it to other people.”
“The personable and friendly nature of instructors set a comfortable atmosphere… great for learning and great fun too!”
“This class was my wife’s and my anniversary gift to each other. What a bunch of fun! Much learning and fun!! Great for confidence and fun!!!” (Congratulations on your anniversary!)
A particularly touching email:
I wanted to take a few moments here and thank you! I came to your class not knowing really what to expect, and having hopes of leaving there with information and education. I thought taking a two day class was a great idea. I am former military, and a have a huge respect for firearms. I came to your class with my wife (Tammy) and two friends (John and JoAnn). My wife and friends had no training in the past, well other than what I had been though that I had passed down to them. Little did I know my training was out of date, and I was sharing information with them that was hindering them. Your decision to separate the men and women was genius, and allowed my wife her time to learn as well as myself.
I found myself really interested in everything that was brought in front of us. I can honestly say not one of your instructors let me down in their abilities to handle every situation. When I was there at your class I had just been told by my doctors that I had kidney cancer in both of my kidneys. It was a struggle not to think of my own problems and let it consume my thoughts, but at times during the class my future medical battles were the last thing on my mind. The class gave me some relief, and challenged me to be better at something I love to do. I knew I would be spending some time in the hospitals, and it made me more comfortable knowing my wife had the training to protect herself and our home while I was not there. Now that my first surgery is complete, and we are facing another I have still have the confidence that Tammy can protect herself while I am a way. Thanks to your class.
I have plans to attend your class Training to Live and Win: Intermediate Personal protection. If my health allows this, and yes I will be bringing my wife Tammy and friends with me. Thanks again to each one of you. For your desire to share, and your ability to work with so many different types of people. The information you teach is not only taught well, but I feel as it is needed for every person that wants to protect their family, or home.
Thank you again
Springfield, IL
Female, age 26-30: “This course was amazing. I am so glad I attended this course. My husband suggested it so I went. I feel more confident in my abilities and hopefully will continue to improve. I also have learned a new hobby my husband and I can do together! I would recommend this class to anyone!”
To John and all of the WONDERFUL instructors of the Basic class.
Believe it or not, I’m still on a high from the weekend basic class that you guys and gal instructed. The level of expertise and methods of delivery of that knowledge to us “newbies” were just phenomenal. because of your great instructions, pointers and individual attention, the skills that I had with my revolver improved 100% from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon and I feel so much more confident in handling it now (especially those speedloaders). Thank you so much to all of you.
As a result of this weekend class, I am taking your advice about joining a local organization because you will find my application and check enclosed for membership in Guns Save Life.com. Unfortunately, because of the distance my attendance at your meetings will be impossible but I will be there in spirit and will be looking forward to receiving the GunNews monthly paper. Thank you for devoting yoru spare time to such a wonderful cause.
Ottawa, IL