The Libyan attack on our consulate is getting messy.
It would seem President Obama and his administration knew it was a terrorist attack and did nothing except watch as Ambassador Stevens, a diplomat and two former Navy SEALs get killed over four additional hours of the attack when help was an hour, at most, away.
Read all about it at 5440. Great stuff.
HE KNEW. White House officials watched LIVE via drone feed as American citizens were being killed in Bengazi. They knew it was an Islamic terrorist attack AS IT HAPPENED. Our fighter jets were only only 1 hour away. The attack lasted 7 hours, and they DID NOTHING. Obama went to bed that night, flew out to a Las Vegas fundraiser the next day, and spent the next two weeks LYING to the American people about it!
But it gets worse. It would seem evidence is mounting that the consulate was a staging point for collecting Libyan weapons and others and was sending those weapons to al-qaeda sympathizers in Syria in a Project Gunwalker of epic proportions. And instead of arming freedom fighters, it would seem the Obama administration was arming al-qaeda!
Read an excerpt of a damning investigation below!
BOMBSHELL: Obama Admin. Was Likely Running Arms To Islamic Jihadists Through Benghazi
It doesn’t get more serious than a sitting president funneling arms to Al Qaeda terrorists!
Mysterious Libyan ship linked to deadly terror attack?
New e-mails released today show that both the White House and State Department knew within 2 hours that an Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group was behind the attack in Benghazi…but they lied about it anyway, blaming it on a stupid video for TWO WEEKS!
Frighteningly, it may be because Obama didn’t want anyone to know that he was using the Benghazi station to funnel arms to jihadists:
During the 2011 Libyan revolt against Muammar Qaddafi, reckless U.S. policy flung American forces and money into the conflict on the side of the rebels, who were known at the time to include Al Qaeda elements. Previously the number two official at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Christopher Stevens was named as the official U.S. liaison to the Libyan opposition in March, 2011.
Stevens was tasked with helping to coordinate U.S. assistance to the rebels, whose top military commander, Abdelhakim Belhadj, was the leader of the Al Qaeda affiliate, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). That means that Stevens was authorized by the U.S. Department of State and the Obama administration to aid and abet individuals and groups that were, at a minimum, allied ideologically with Al Qaeda, the jihadist terrorist organization that attacked the homeland on the first 9/11, the one that’s not supposed to exist anymore after the killing of its leader, Osama bin Laden, on May 2, 2012.
[…] The New York Times reported in July, 2012 that CIA officers were operating out of southern Turkey to help channel weapons to fighters supposedly not allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups. In a October 14 piece, though, the Times asserted flatly that “Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups…” And while U.S. officials continue to stick to claims that they are not providing arms directly to the Syrian rebels, but only channeling weapons that come from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, reports that those rebels now have surface-to-air missiles call to mind the thousands of such weapons looted from Muammar Qaddafi’s stockpiles during and after the revolt that ousted him in October 2011.
Read more at Family Security Matters
The evidence suggests that part of Ambassador Stevens’ mission was to recruit jihadists to fight in Syria:
Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador murdered in Libya, played a central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, according to Egyptian security officials speaking to WND.
Stevens served as a key contact with the Saudis to coordinate the recruitment by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. The jihadists were sent to Syria via Turkey to attack Assad’s forces, said the security officials.
The Washington Times has picked up the story!
GAFFNEY: The real reason behind Benghazigate
Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists?
President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.
Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at WND.com and Clare Lopez at RadicalIslam.org — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.