What happens when you break a bedroom window and try to crawl into you ex-girlfriend’s apartment?  Well, if you’re a guy in Gonzales, LA, you might get shot repeatedly until you cease your intrusion.

That’s exactly how things went down for 35-year-old Joshua Jones.  He wouldn’t move on after his former romantic interest broke up with him.

She found a new romantic interest.  And Mr. New Guy didn’t appreciate Mr. Old Guy trying to break in and batter or harm either of them.  So he shot the intruder.

And that’s about the end of the story, aside from the cleanup.

From WBRZ:

GONZALES – A man was shot multiple times while trying to force his way into his ex’s apartment over the weekend, according to police.

The Gonzales Police Department said Tuesday that 35-year-old Joshua Jones of Donaldsonville was initially hospitalized but later died from his gunshot wounds. 

Jones reportedly tried to break into the apartment on South Lanoux Avenue late Saturday night, while the victim’s new boyfriend was also inside. Police said Jones was shot as he tried to shatter the bedroom window.

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