Chicago implements hiring freeze, including police, with crime up 40% over 2019
Chicago has a spending problem. The activists running the city love to spend other peoples' money and they're running out of money to spend. So they're cutting services. Finally. Included in this is fire and police. Yes, not having enough paramedics to staff advanced life support ambulances is... a problem. …
POLITICAL VIEWS INFECT DATA AND HOLLYWOOD PORTRAYALS: FBI’s faulty data on lives saved by good guy gun owners
John Stossel, like many of us, shows his age. However, he's putting out some very good content, including this new video he released on his YouTube channel John Stossel TV. Have a look. Watch example after example of politicians and Hollywood gaslighting Americans on the utility of guns for self-defense.…
AAR: Illinois’ first ‘Empowering First Shots’ event
by Mandi Ehler Bonfield, IL (ISRA) - A few years ago, I participated in Legally Armed in Detroit, a project by Rick Ector. In one weekend, we trained around 1,200 women in firearm safety and they also fired a handgun. The best part? We made it FREE to the participants.…
CAN’T HATE THEM ENOUGH: ABC’s in the tank for Kamala
Is it any wonder why nobody except old folks by and large watch the evening news on TV? Doubt that demographic, just look and see what demo the advertisers are targeting. Anyway, ABC has devoted 100% positive coverage to Que-mala (that's "How Bad" in Spanglish) Harris' campaign. Meanwhile, they've had…
WIN A HELLCAT PACKAGE: Illinois Freedom Alliance raffle for great gun, great cause
At the Octoberfest event slated for October 19th in Moline, IL, the Illinois Freedom Alliance will raffle off a Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro package. It's the gun, plus a (what I believe is a Crimson Trace) red dot scope, 5 15-round magazines and more. Tickets are $10 each, or 6…
START WITH THE CRIMINALS FIRST: Leader of Box Wine Moms Demanding Action calls for total confiscation of semi-auto rifles
Imagine the simple minds that think if we only gave government (and criminals) the monopoly on force, that the world would be a better place. Where the strong could oppress the weak, men oppress women, the young batter the old. What sort of world would that be? Not a very…
UNHOLY ALLIANCE: Gangs deliver patronage armies, campaign ‘donations’ and votes. Politicians deliver ‘violence prevention’ funding & look the other way on gang crime.
Chicago (GSL) - Have you ever wondered why politicians running Illinois so seldom criticize criminal gangs for the gang violence that permeates big cities, but especially Chicago? Have you ever wondered why these same politicians refer to this criminal violence as “gun violence” instead of more accurately describing it as…
by Damon Williams (GSL) - In the July issue of GunNews, we ran a story about 3D printing firearms and how that has become readily available lay persons. A photo of a home-brew “FGC-9” served as an example of what people can make at home today. It looks impressive and…
Hunter Safety Classes in Iroquois County: Sept 28 & 29, Oct. 26 & 27
Looking for a Hunter Safety class? We've got one with openings in Iroquois County, IL. Maybe two classes.
POST-DEBATE FALLOUT: Kamala’s gun owner claims, ABC News’ reputation in tatters, Media circle wagons on dead geese, cats in Springfield, OH
Yes, Kamala Harris claimed that she and her husband owned guns. Of course they do. They're the elites. It's the proles like us they want disarm. They don't want to give up their own protection! The little people should give up their guns because they don't need guns to be…