Would you believe multiple so-called “pro-gun” Republicans joined the gun control jihadists in the Illinois General Assembly to pass a new law that allows gun confiscations without due process?

Yes, they did. Even worse, a number of these people serve in leadership positions in their respective chambers.

Those supporting these gun confiscations include Senate Minority Leader John Curran as well as Sue Rezin the Deputy Minority Leader.

Sen. Sue Rezin. Deputy Minority Leader in the Illinois Senate.

They were joined by two members of the House Republican leadership, Jackie Haas and Brad Stephens.

These boneheads clearly don’t understand the breadth and depth of gun owner opposition to having the government take their guns without any due process. They don’t have a clue.

Maybe these political geniuses understand fewer resources for the next election cycle or two?

That’s right: Given the attitudes of leadership, don’t donate to the Republicans’ House or Senate Campaign Committee funds when asked.

Don’t donate your time, money or talent to John Curran, Sue Rezin, Erica Harris or Craig Wilcox in the Senate.

Ditto for Jackie Haas, Mrs. America Nicole La Ha, Jennifer Sanalitro, Patrick Sheehan or Brad Stephens in the IL House.

Rep. La Ha. Aka “Mrs. America 2022”

Maybe the House and Senate Republican caucuses need to shrink by a few more members before remaining members read the memo on not fornicating their prime constituents and donors.

They’ll begin to see the light when they feel the heat.

Until then, let them starve and twist in the wind.

Go vote… just not for them.

Donate if you feel so inclined, just not to them.

5 thoughts on “QUISLINGS: So-called ‘PRO-GUN’ Republicans voted for gun confiscations without due process”
  1. Rep La Ha is an attractive woman, it’s just that her smile seems more like a sneer and detracts from her appearance, maybe it is her quisling personality shining through, JMHO (just my humble opinion).

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