Guns Save Life boldly challenged the Cook County Gun and Ammo Tax back in 2015.  The courts moved at the speed of smell and in 2021, the Illinois Supreme Court ultimately ruled in Guns Save Life’s favor and struck down the tax on constitutional grounds.  No, not the Second Amendment of the US Constitution grounds, but on the Uniformity Clause in the Illinois Constitution.

The IL Supreme Court ordered the lower court what to do: “for entry of summary judgement in favor of the plaintiffs.”  In 2021.

Incredibly, Cook County’s crack legal team under Kim Foxx actually filed a motion for summary judgement against Guns Save Life in the case… AFTER we had already won the case at the state’s highest court!  That takes some big, brass cajones.  (And Lori Lightfoot thought she had the biggest balls in Chicago.  Or maybe it was something else…)

Anyway, four years after the Illinois Supreme Court told the trial court what to do, on January 10th of this year, a Cook County Circuit Court judge signed an order formally striking down the Cook County Gun and Ammo Tax.


Our side contacted Cook County to make arrangements for them to cease collection of the taxes.

They flat out made it clear they have no intention of stopping the collection of these monies, even though the courts have TWICE told them it’s unconstitutional.

That’s lawless right there.

Yes, we’re taking action on this.

No, I’m going to let it be an unpleasant surprise to Cook County officials when they find out what it is.

10 thoughts on “LAWLESS: Despite court rulings striking down their Gun & Ammo Tax, Cook County says they’ll continue collections”
  1. Oh “We are just going to do what we want” is not a legal defense under the law!
    Not enough colorful words to describe Cook County “government” although fetid cesspool comes close.

  2. We can’t have the rule of law when gov or people ignore it. Lawless anarchy. But cook county already kind of has that already.

  3. Cook County truly is the puckering asshole of the entire nation. Stretch mark covered swine Toni Prickwrinkle is the poster boy. Is it possible for firearms dealers to stop collecting and sending in the taxes ? what can the county charge them with if they don’t ? Isn’t it the job of Kwame Rauol to step up and protect the citizens from the county screwing them ? If Kwame wasn’t so busy being cucked by JB FatAss maybe he would.

  4. Toni sharing stale bologna sandwiches in a jail cell with Sally Rottencrotch, indefinitely, would be a good start to her disobedience of the court decree.

    1. Ooooh!!!

      [In Horshack’s voice]

      Oooooooohhh, i know!!!@@@ me, me me, me ,me, me!!!!!

      RULE TO SHOW cause why the entire County Board and bd. President should not be held in contempt and jailed for such Criminal contempt!

      You may send my bonus credits to me at my registered email address!

  5. Legal bullshit, lawyer games. This will not stop unless these ass clowns in government are arrested, charged tried, convicted and sentenced for contempt. Who is going to do that, the police the ass-clowns control? Those with a brain understand only one course of action remains. Who will be first? Hahahahahahahaha….

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