Holy cow. Watch this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show.
From the email I received (I subscribe to Ryan’s show on Patreon):
This emergency release of today’s episode is now available on all platforms.
Sam Shoemate is an intelligence officer and Chief Warrant Officer 2 (US Army, Retired). On December 31st, Sam received an email allegedly from Matthew Livelsberger – who would be named as the perpetrator in the detonation of a Tesla Cybertruck at Trump Tower the following day. In this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Shoemate brings forward critical information and allegations that cast doubt on the “mainstream” narratives surrounding this event – and many others – if true.
Watch it. You’ll be glad you did.
jboch, I’ve watched most of the vid. Like many, I was drawn in initially by all the “official” talk. After briefly assimilating the content, it is easy to see, these guys are nothing but Controlled Opposition. No one in their right mind would give intel, especially ANYTHING of this import, to ANY of the 3-letter agencies. We, (hopefully ‘the awake’), know they are all FRAUDS and SCAMS, bent straight to and with HELL on monitoring, controlling, censoring and, ultimately, silencing (aka ‘killing’) anyone who has the whistleblower handle on even a small portion of their secret information. The big dogs, formerly known as any governmental USA ‘agency’, are all COMPROMISED! Keep ALL intel from those punks and Only release it on multiple Internet sites simultaneously. It will be captured by the masses and spread like wildfire while the control freaks are shitting their pants trying to figure out how to disengage from and spin the leak information. Simple. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
God, Guns and Gold,