A couple of things have happened in the past day or so on the judicial front involving litigation we are very keen to watch (and you should be as well if you like your AR-15s and other modern defensive rifles).
First, the US Supreme Court was slated to discuss the Snope gun ban case out of Maryland this week (tomorrow, in fact) but they’ve pushed that back to next month. Why? Mark Smith over at Four Boxes Diner suggests that it’s because they’re considering taking it along with a Rhode Island magazine case and a third case involving the parameters of when a court (a district court) can strike down a gun control law.
It’s not that the Supremes want to “fix” errors from the lower courts, it’s more that they want to hand down precedent in how to handle cases in general for decades or even generations to come.
Of course, we would say “What about these courts like the Seventh Circuit and judges like Easterbrook and Wood who ignore precedent?”
Sorry, I don’t have a real good answer for that.
Here’s Mark’s video… yes I know it has a clickbaiting title, but as you can tell, I’m not putting but a handful of his videos in front of you – specifically the ones that really matter:
Next up… God bless Greg Bishop for keeping up with all these cases and filings. Within the last few hours, Judge Stephen McGlynn filed an amended decision from our gun and magazine ban case that fulfilled the wishes of the Seventh Circuit, removing a potential excuse for the 3-judge panel we now have using that as an excuse to delay deliberations in the case.
Here’s Greg with the details.
That’s it for now. GunNews layout for this new issue is occupying 90% of our spare time at the moment.
So Mark Smith did a recent video:
that completely concurs in everything I said in this post:
…that provoked a lot of rancorous debate.
Greg Bishop’s analysis, above, parrots EXACTLY what I said in my post of a couple of days ago that John Boch censored. For some reason JB didn’t like the fact that I may have been right I don’t know let him explain it if he’s not out calling other men’s wives and daughters whores!!
And Mark Smith’s video, linked above, also jibes with what I said in each of those posts: the Supreme Court is waiting for the perfect posturing in order to get this right for generations and I trust that they will, given the current makeup of this court … just hold your tongues. For instance, regardless of the Hawaiian Supreme Court’s ruling, we all concurred that the Supreme Court was not going to take that case and it didn’t.
I wish these freedom of speech and constitutional rights Advocates would stop censoring my posts!
FYI: More than one link in any comment will get it hung up in “pending approval.” Got more than one link? Use multiple comments.
There’s ken, assuming the worst
Well then GSL is like the US Postal Service!
it’s been hung up for a week now!
It’s like the package that I had that sat in champaign for 6 days that had less than 45 miles to go to reach me.
Do you deny that John Boch has censored me and other people in the past?