How bad is Kamala Harris on guns?  She makes Joe Biden seem almost sane and competent.  FoxNews found a story from back in 2007 where Kamala lobbied for surprise home inspections of California gun owners to ensure they stored their firearms locked up “properly” in their homes.

Yeah.  Who needs the US Constitution or it’s safeguards.  Especially for a “good cause.”

From Fox:

Kamala Harris once said police could pay surprise visits to legal gun owners’ homes for safe storage checks

As San Francisco’s district attorney, Kamala Harris told legal gun owners in her community that authorities could “walk into” their homes to inspect whether they were storing their firearms properly under a new law she helped draft.

“We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,” Harris told a group of reporters in May 2007.

The remarks came during a press conference introducing legislation that Harris helped draft, which sought to impose penalties for gun owners who fail to store their firearms properly at home.

Don’t believe it.  Listen for yourself.

Yes Kamala Harris is a special kind of would-be tyrant.

Yeah, she wants to “check” to see if gun owners are being “responsible” and “safe.”

What an evil woman.

4 thoughts on “‘MY VALUES HAVE NOT CHANGED’: Kamala lobbied for ‘surprise’ home inspections for gun owners”
  1. A “responsible” firearm owner would shoot any “gubmnt official” that tried to “enter” their locked home without a legal warrant to “search the premises” in order to “see if home owner was storing his personal possessions properly”! IMHO!
    nunna their bidness!!

  2. Anyone that sees this skank promoting the violation of multiple rights like it was no big deal and still votes for her is truly a sheep that wants to be a slave PERIOD.

  3. Remember as a kid when you were going somewhere and just couldn’t wait to get there? Based on my experience, “surprise visits” will be just like that. Excitement to get there and then sadness when you have to leave.

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