Here we go again.  Yet another social misfit that goes on a spree killing at his school did so because of “trans” issues.  This time, CNN isn’t claiming that the Georgia Apalachee High School mass murderer was a transgendered lunatic, but earlier transcripts detailed how his father said that his son was gay.

Was he more than just gay?  Was he trans as well?

Over at 4Chan they had a photo early on of the suspect.  You tell me if you notice a resemblance.

Some non-bleach blonde hair, add some makeup and lipstick and some of those filters freely available on everyone’s smart phones and yes, there’s more than a passing resemblance.

Let me guess:  You didn’t see this “trans acceptance” motive on the CBS Evening News or the New York Times front page?  I didn’t.

From the Post Millenial:

Georgia school shooter [mentally ill, social misfit loser’s name redacted] was discovered to have had a Discord account that contained posts suggesting he was planning a mass shooting due to his grievances over trans acceptance.  [Mentally ill, social misfit loser’s name redacted] had also researched previous school shootings, like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting carried out by [another mentally ill, social misfit loser’s name redacted] as well as the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida in 2018.

The posts on Discord, from 2023, referenced plans for a “future mass shooting,” CNN reported. “I’m committing a mass shooting,” a post read, “I’m committing a mass shooting and I’m waiting a good two to three years, and I’m ready.” CNN reported that the poster then shared a picture of the gun he intended to use, before continuing to discuss the post.

The reporter said that the post, attributed to [mentally ill, social misfit scumbag’s name redacted], was “expressing desires to target an elementary school, expressing frustrations with the acceptance of transgender people.”

Because that’ll show the world that “transgendered” people are normal and healthy and deserving of a special place in American history.

There you have it.  He was bullied for being gay.

One troubling aspect of the case involved the nearly immediate arrest of dear old dad for providing the AR-15 as a gift to his f*cked in the head queer teen son.  (Earlier reports suggested it was a pump action 20-gauge shotgun proved incorrect).  Why was dad’s arrest reasonable, and his gift of a rifle to his mentally screwed up crotch fruit unreasonable?

In 2023, he and his son were questioned about the son’s posted threats to shoot up a school, specifically an elementary school on Discord.

Here’s a hint:  If your kid is talking about and posting for the whole world to see that he wants to shoot up a bunch of largely defenseless kiddos, you shouldn’t give him an AR-15 as a present.  Maybe a six-foot length of rope and directions for fashioning a noose, or a straight razor and instructions on not to cut across the railroad tracks, but with them (unless you’re talking about slitting your throat).  But not a gun.  Have a nice time in prison dad.

And speaking of which, the mentally-ill social misfit punk didn’t even have the stones to shoot at the police.  Instead he folded like a cheap suit, allowing himself to be arrested.

By the time his trial is over, he’ll be about 15 or 16 years old.  He’s gonna be really popular in prison with the old guys.

Here’s the good news for him:  He’ll get all the gay sex he wanted and then some.  The bad news?  They’ll go in dry.

3 thoughts on “CNN Confirms: Georgia School Killer’s grievances over ‘trans acceptance’ behind his rampage”
  1. That kid will never let a noisy fart again after he gets to prison. He will be someone’s wifey tho. Or a lot of horny someones…

  2. When “doctors”, or mentally deficient fools think they can “change” their hormones to become an “opposite” of their biological being, they are so delusional they think they have to destroy others because they perceive no one “accepts” them as they perceive themselves to be, when they themselves are the ones that are not “accepting” of who they are as created. Crazy man, crazy.
    “It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world, except for Lola, L-O-L-A, Lola” (old R&R song lyrics from ’70’s?)

  3. Trannies by and large are mental cases, and the ones who resort to drugs and especially surgery, are serious mental cases. They’re unhappy with low self-esteem and low self-confidence. “Incels” as they’re called today. They see coming out as trans as a way to get laid and be popular at the same time. When they figure out the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence, the get depressed. I mean it’s not free and easy sex just because you’re gay. Gay people seek out successful, attractive gay people. Fat little social misfit dorks with hairy, stinky butts aren’t going to attract good looking gays. Farm animals, maybe… so there is hope.

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