Gun Valley is the home to multiple gun manufacturers, including Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms. Coming in June, it will be home to the newest regional chapter of Guns Save Life!

Yes, Guns Save Life is coming to Gun Valley with meetings in Geneseo, Illinois on June 25th. Our newest Regional Director Paul Pardo will lead the charge. We’ll meet at the VFW on the LAST TUESDAY of the month starting in June.

Look for more details in next month’s issue of GunNews. We’ve got a team of great people eager to share the fun and excitement of GSL meetings with people in Northwestern Illinois. We’ve also worked out some technical issues with holding chapters in far-flung corners of the state, so it should be a great time with great people. Stay tuned!

4 thoughts on “Coming in June 2024: GSL Geneseo!”
  1. I have been a witness to history in the last 6 years. When I joined the GSL, there were 6 GSL regions. Now, we have more than twice that number. John was at nearly every regional meeting every month. (For some reason, he did miss Sangamon County the day the twins were born, which was also the same day Wendy almost died.) It is now impossible for John to go to all the meetings even though Wendy and the boys are fine, thank God. We have more requests for new regions than we can handle.

    If you want to start a new region, go for it. You will need to do the legwork; we do not have the resources with only two paid part time employees. The other position is the bookkeeper who is busy too. We are family friendly.

    To start a region, first find a steering committee, select a Regional Director or pair of co-directors, find a facility that can serve food and has room for 100 or so people. Rent free is preferred, but we will work with you on that. An internet connection and expertise to run a Zoom meeting is now a requirement IMO. Zoom is the only way John can be everywhere each month. Interested parties can contact me personally if they wish more information and assistance. My email and number are in the Gun News.

    1. Good job Dale on detailing what is necessary. My wife and I and several non member Henry County friends will be there. I have been waiting for this to happen.

  2. Is that at 6 PM or 7 PM and is it at 223 S State St? Will they have food for sale?

  3. How come Springfield and RRA haven’t left yet? At least across the river to Iowa.

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