Yes, we know some folks aren’t getting their copies of GunNews in a timely manner. The US Post Office in Peoria “lost” a pallet of GunNews back in November and they were delivered (checking notes) 96 days after we mailed then in November. Now the April 2024 issue, with a less triggering cover, is all over the map. Some came in a few days.

So we know for the April issue it’s not the Peoria Post Office. We had members in Arizona (like the one pictured above) receive their copies less than a week after they were mailed on March 20th. And others in the suburbs got theirs several days into April. It seems pretty erratic. But at least they didn’t sit on them for three months this time.

The May 2024 issue has been printed and was mailed on Wednesday of this past week.  We’ll see how long it takes for it to get delivered.

5 thoughts on “GunNews mail delivery erratic. We know.”
  1. Good old government USPS, used to be their “motto” was “through wind, sleet, snow or hail” blah, blah, blah… now they raise their prices and the “postal unions” take their own sweet time to deliver what they want to deliver. Pathetic. I have sent first class credit card bills that did not get delivered in a “timely manor”, as in within 5 to 7 days. One last year did not show up, after checking on payment at C C, I cancelled check and paid over the phone electronically, late fee at C C, Stop payment fee at bank, then it was delivered 3 weeks late, late fee, then NSF because of cancelled check, blah, blah, blah. Called local post office and of course, mail goes out from local facility as it comes in, blah, blah, blah, aka: not their fault, can’t be blamed, no recourse as it was not sent with “tracking”, blah, blah, blah. And again they want another price increase!
    I started writing on outside of envelope date I put into mailbox to see if it made some difference.
    [And the democRATS want voter’s to send their ballots through the USPS with their postal unions to deliver them in a timely fashion! BS!

  2. Taken From: “Postal Facts – United States Postal Service
    The U.S. Postal Service has no official motto. Nope, it’s not this: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” But we certainly appreciate the sentiment.
    those words are engraved on the front of the James A. Farley Post Office in NYC, set in stone by the architectural firm that built it. The phrase is taken from an ancient book by the Greek historian Herodotus and refers to messengers in the Persian Empire.
    The phrase comes from book 8, paragraph 98, of The Persian Wars by Herodotus, a Greek historian. During the wars between the Greeks and Persians (500-449 B.C.), the Persians operated a system of mounted postal couriers who served with great fidelity.
    The popular belief that Herodotus’s description of the Persian postal service is about the U.S. Postal Service is a tribute to the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have delivered the mail reliably and dependably, through all conditions, for centuries.”
    My comment, thanks for bearing with:
    We just received an Anniversary Card from our Son in St. Louis. It to 30 days to get here. So, motto or not, the couriers may be walking around, but they also may not have mail to deliver if it is being stored on loading docks, in giant bins, awaiting processing.
    Trust an older person when I say this, mail service used to be way better.

    1. Yes, Patrick, when I was a youngster you could set your watch to rural mail delivery, ours was delivered at 9:00am rain, snow sleet, fog, or whatever and that was when we got more snows in winter, but the snow plows were out before daylight too. Now, delivery comes anytime between 11:30am and 6:30pm, varies from day to day.
      Work ethic has gone downhill since the 1960’s, and with the unions everyone wants more benefits for less output of actual labor, sad to say. People used to be proud of putting in a “good day” for the wages they were paid.
      What if like “Newman” of Seinfeld fame, there are letter carriers that are hording mail in a storage facility instead of actually delivering it, sarcastic parody, but sometimes “art” imitates life.

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