Illinois is a deep blue state on the whole. And along with deep blue comes a disregard of and even a hatred for issues like gun rights for the little people among many in the political class – even among some Republicans. What’s surprised me in this election season is the unabashedly pro-gun positions staked out by many candidates.

At Guns Save Life, we can’t endorse candidates because of our tax status. We do, however, educate the people on candidates’ positions. Here are some races we’re aware of with a substantive difference between the candidates in contested Republican primary races.

Why just a handful of Republican races? Because not a single pro-gun Democrat has reached out to us. Frankly, that should be alarming by itself, but shows how Democrats running for office have moved hard left, refusing to progress toward a future of freedom and instead promoting a system of gun control that reenacts past tyrannies.

Here’s one of the races we’re looking at.

IL 14th Congressional District:  James Marter vs. Charlie Kim.

James Marter, one of our steering committee team at our LaSalle County GSL meeting, has a challenger in his primary race for Congress that isn’t even a Republican.

Charlie Kim ran as a Democrat in his home district and when that didn’t pan out, Mr. Kim filed as a Republican in Marter’s home district. Kim’s politics are somewhere between Lauren Underwood and AOC.   Underwood, the incumbent, has amassed a voting record that makes AOC look conservative.

If you guessed that Mr. Kim is a rabid gun grabber, you’re likely smarter than Mr. Kim.

11 thoughts on “IL Primary Election has arrived: 14th Congressional primary Marter vs. Kim”
    1. Illinois Family Action endorsed Jim. Maybe Jim will go and harass those scary trans people while shouting individual liberty out the other side of his mouth.

  1. Ask the “pro-gun” candidate if they favor any increased funding to the Illinois State Police. If they shout the generic Republican “back the blue” or “thin blue line” bumper sticker then you’ll know on the spot they’ll throw gun owners under the bus in favor of the police – like about all of them in that controlled opposition Uniparty. However, if the candidate says the ISP has been caught on several occasions operating outside of their statutory authority so we should transfer all non-abusive duties to city and county law enforcement and with that the appropriate funding then abolish the ILLINOIS STATE POLICE then you’ll know you have a real person on your side. It’s a SIMPLE question to ask them. Kinda like asking them what day it is today. If they struggle to answer then please don’t vote them into office.

    (For those apologizing for the ISP, the Democrat legislature passes a massive gun ban, the governor signs it, then a state agency and in this case the ISP enforces it with your money and against YOU. This is 2 + 2 =4, for those having difficulty.)

    1. Brad,
      Apparently, YOU have access to the internet as evidenced by your ability to post on this web site, WHY are YOU not “asking the questions” YOU deem sooo relevant to voting for or against the politicians running, then YOU can “inform” those who visit this site and WE don’t have to put up with YOUR screeds telling anyone and everyone to do what YOU want done???????? HMMMM, if YOU are not willing to do YOUR OWN basic information gathering, WHY do YOU put it on someone/anyone else to do what YOU are not willing to do yourself??? GO FOR IT BRAT, oops, Brad!!!
      BTW, …. according to our local dimwit “ken”, fractions CANNOT be added, so 2 + 2 = 4, aka: 2/1 + 2/1 = 4/1 *CANNOT BE DONE* !
      *according to our local dimwit “ken”* FYI.

    1. Whatta matter Brat, you don’t want to fetch your “information” yourself, you just want to direct someone else to fetch it for you to then re-direct to some other fallacy.
      “The things that you complain about, are things you could be changing, hoping someone’s gonna care”, to paraphrase a Kris Kristoferson song from long ago.
      Brat, if you don’t care about finding out the issues you are so adamant about, why should anyone else “do your bidding”?? Or even care??
      BTW I don’t use diapers, just the “in depends” crowd fills them up with their “word manure”, FWIW.

  2. You know, I harp on this from time to time, but it really doesn’t get through a lot of thick skulls. A lot of our problems in this country would cease to be if we reinstated the “ORIGINAL” 13th amendment. But people don’t know about this, because it was hidden and erased from “We the People”. Here is a quote from that: “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” Being that a BAR license IS A TITLE OF NOBILITY, the intent was to not let Lawyers hold public office. This is why all BAR members were supposed to (but don’t) register with FARA (Foreign Agent Registration Act) to run for public office. If we reinstituted the “ORIGINAL” 13th amendment, it would eliminate these slime-ball BAR card carriers (like Charlie Kim) from ever serving in government. Until then, DON’T ELECT BAR MEMBERS TO PUBLIC OFFICE!

  3. GSL 1589, you remind me of a state lawmaker that uses the euphemism of “we don’t have time to vote on…….” when describing a piece of legislation they don’t agree with and are afraid will pass. That’s what comes to mind when you tell Brad to stop telling people what questions to ask of a candidate instead of doing it himself. Perhaps he is. How would you know? It’s MORE likely you don’t like Republican candidates being asked the ISP funding question because there’s about a 100% chance they’ll support the police and doing so it calls into question your obligation to support the Republican Party who will throw gun owners under the bus without hesitation when pitted against supporting the police. Cops, as in the government wins EVERY TIME! That’s why you don’t like the question of funding gun control enforcement agencies like the ISP. It undoes the narrative that the GOP is the pro-gun party. AND…..that state lawmaker that “doesn’t have time” to vote on a bill they don’t like DOES in fact have time to push the red button against it. So it never was about the 1 second it takes to push whatever button. They just didn’t have the courage to say what anyone else sees, they don’t like the bill, or in your case, the question of funding those agencies who are the armed enforcement of gun control activists. You’re having a difficult time facing the fact that the GOP is called Uniparty for a reason.

    1. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH,..Toady-boy, you ASSume a hell of a lot, watta matter, is the Brat yer butt-butty?? Go fill yer diapers elsewhere Toad, if you don’t work on a solution to The things you complain about, YOU are just as much a “part of your own problem”, and your large pile of “word manure” is just BLATHER, KMWERE (aka: kiss my well endowed rear end)(WITH WET SLOPPY ONES!)

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