From Guns Save Life’s legal counsel from California, we have a four-word message:

The cavalry is coming!

More on this coming soon.


Folks, it looks like we’re probably going to end up at the US Supreme Court to fight for our right to purchase, possess and transport the most effective firearms for personal defense.

What’s more, we may be filing another pleading to challenge the state’s latest regulatory rulemaking on the PICA gun and magazine law.  After all, we all know what follows gun registration.

We’re urging people to donate directly to our legal teams to help make all of this possible.

To pay our Illinois litigation team:
2nd Amendment Defense and Education Coalition (SADEC)
P.O. Box 300
Waterman, IL 60556
(this one is tax deductible)

To help the national firm backstopping our IL team:
Second Amendment Law Center
284C East Lake Mead Parkway
Suite 530
Henderson NV 89015
(this one is tax deductible)

We still absolutely endorse and support FFL-IL and their fund for our Illinois attorneys, however donations to them are not tax deductible.  Aurora Sportsmen’s Club’s SADEC gets 100% of donations to the same place only in a tax deductible fashion.

We would prefer folks send donations directly to the above funds. The easiest way for everyone involved is to make the donations online, but we’ve included mail addresses here for the non-computer savvy.

5 thoughts on “ATTENTION ILLINOIS RESIDENTS: The Cavalry is Coming…”
  1. In lawyers (Tom DeVore isn’t part of this legal team)? Maybe another $20k.
    If we lose, what’s it going to cost you? I know what it’s costing me… It’s costing me my peace of mind. Financially, between FFL-IL, 2A Law Center and donations at GSL meeting “pass the hat” events, I’m in for close to a grand now, or a nice AR-15.

    1. John, I’m in for the pass the hat, cash is king and harder to track. I don’t like using my name and bank information as it can be tracked back to me, by the government or other agencies. I wouldn’t be so paranoid if the bastards weren’t out to get me.

  2. I hope you (we, I guess, as I’m now a member) win some sort of restraining order to stop this. I don’t want to register anything, but I do want to buy more now that they REALLY don’t want me to buy more.

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