Remember this mope from last October?  They guy who was part of a carload of carjackers who crashed on the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago and walked around armed to the teeth (including with an AR-pistol) looking to carjack their next ride?

Here’s a video of the incident.

Well, police finally caught one of them.  This guy…

And thanks to the Purge Law, aka “No Cash Bail”, he was released without posting a nickel.

CWB Chicago (as usual) has the story.

CHICAGO — It was one of Chicago’s memorable viral videos of 2022. An armed man wearing a ski mask strolled through the traffic lanes of the Dan Ryan Expressway and carjacked a passing driver as another motorist recorded the action from the opposite side of the road.

Now, the Illinois State Police say charges have been filed against the hijacker. He has a lengthy criminal history, including multiple pending felony cases. In fact, we wrote two stories about him in March after Chicago cops arrested him on Lake Shore Drive in Streeterville. Despite his history, he was sent home after being indicted in the carjacking case, according to ISP…

In a statement this week, ISP said that video played a crucial role in helping investigators identify the carjacker as 20-year-old Vahsean Davenport.

A history and more charges

Davenport was arrested again this spring to face another round of serious charges. During his bail hearing, prosecutors said he has an extensive juvenile history, with seven adjudications for crimes ranging from carjacking to gun possession…

There’s a lot more.  Read the whole thing if you want the gory details.  Spoiler alert:  He’s a young thug with an already distinguished career as a criminal menace to society.

And the Cook County courts released him.

And they wonder why they have a crime problem in Chicago.

5 thoughts on “PURGE LAW: Heavily armed Chicago Expressway carjacker finally gets caught, then promptly released”
  1. You guys need to leave him alone. He is just trying to save some money for his next face tat.

    You know, most criminals don’t walk around wearing a sign. Then there’s this shithead.

  2. Guy in the red car should have run him over. Deadly force in response to deadly force to save your life. Deadly force is an action, not a specific tool.

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