A 19-year-old criminal named Darrick Bender, driving a stolen BMW and already out on bail for pointing a gun at a woman last month, shot another man’s pit bull dog Sunday night.  He fled from police but was caught.  While running from cops he tossed a bag that cops found with (surprise!) a 9mm pistol with a 50-round magazine.

What didn’t he have?  A FOID card or a CCW license.

The cherry on top for this story is that suspect, Darrick Bender, was released under the new “SAFE-T” Act’s “No Cash Bail” provisions.

From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — A Cook County judge rejected a prosecutor’s request to jail a Chicago man who allegedly shot a dog as a threat to public safety on Monday. Instead, Judge Mary Marubio sent Darrick Bender, 19, home with a nighttime curfew and orders to stay away from the dog’s owners, court records show…

Prosecutors charged Bender with aggravated cruelty to animals, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and reckless discharge of a firearm endangering others. And they asked Judge Marubio to keep Bender in jail as a public safety threat, court records show.

Marubio nixed that idea. She released Bender with a curfew and told him to check in with the court’s pretrial services division and to stay away from the victims, according to the clerk of court’s file.

Last month, Chicago police arrested Bender on a different set of allegations. A 52-year-old woman told police that Bender pointed a gun at her, and a CPD surveillance camera operator saw him in possession of a firearm with an extended magazine, according to the August 17 arrest report.

Officers couldn’t find the gun he was accused of having. The report said Bender had a key fob in his pocket for a stolen BMW that was parked nearby.

Prosecutors charged him with possessing a stolen motor vehicle and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. They dropped the stolen vehicle charge one week later and dropped the aggravated assault charge on September 7, according to the court file.

3 thoughts on “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE: 19-year-old felon, out on bail on a gun charge, shoots another man’s dog… released without bail”
  1. Well done Your Honor! People shouldn’t stay in jail and people shouldn’t be held responsible for their actions. It was just a dog… The car owner didn’t “need” that fancy of a car….


  2. Shoot my dog and see what happens. I don’t care how big your magazine is, punk. His face would look really good after getting a kiss from a .45 ACP hollowpoint.

    1. FYI
      Branca did a whole YouTube video series about using deadly force to defend your pets. Short Answer: DON’T.

      Now if you have reason to believe you or your human family is threatened? That can be a different answer.

      “He had already shot my pet. I was sure we were next. He already had a gun our and he was willing to kill. I am amazed we survived.”

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