“Nobody in a position of authority or responsibility seems inclined to do much about it.”  That’s how CWB Chicago analyzes the exploding number of armed robberies in Chicago.  On Tuesday, Chicago cops got reports of 15 robberies in 4 hours in the middle of the day.

Want to know something else?  Almost 60% of serious violent crimes like armed robbery go unreported because people figure it’ll take hours for the cops to respond (if they show up at all) and the victims don’t have all day to wait around.  Or maybe they don’t want to stick around to get robbed again.

So if that stat holds, that means there were probably closer to three dozen armed robberies in that timeframe.

From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — Fifteen robberies in four hours? During the middle of the day? Yep. That’s what happened today. And why not? It’s Chicago, and nobody in a position of authority or responsibility seems inclined to do much about it…

In nearly all of the robberies, victims described the robbers as young black males, likely in their late teens or early 20s, wearing masks and displaying multiple firearms.

Robbery sprees have been popping up on an almost daily basis for months. Our reporting has been exhaustive (and exhausting), but here are some recent stories:

3 thoughts on “Chicago: 15 robberies in 4 hours in the middle of the day Tuesday… remember 60% of violent crimes go unreported”
    1. Pretty good I’d say. They voted for this shit head. Let them embrace his policies with both arms. F*ck ‘em.

  1. Someone should organize some armed robbery hunting tours. It would be a hoot and would solve this problem within days at most.

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