Month: January 2023

ERASMUS: What is your life worth?

In regione caecorum rex est luscusIn the Land of the Blind, the one-eyed man is King by Desiderius Erasmus, a GSL member When Dad was still alive, I would go to the range, then drive to his house, and show him my target. Theatrically putting on his bifocals, he would…

Which gun should I buy for home defense?

As an firearms and personal defense instructor for just shy of 25 years, I’ve had countless people ask me what’s the best gun for home defense over the years. If it were only so simple. It’s analogous to “which car should I buy?” The answer? “It depends...” For those wanting…

GET SOME: Concealed Carry Coverage

On your way home, you stopped at Walmart. As you walk out carrying your bags, a shady character walks up and pulls out a small Buck knife.  Somehow, you manage to fend off his attack attempt to perform thoracic surgery on you as you draw your gun. Because you haven’t…