by John Boch
GSL Executive Director
The 2020 Election – National
It seems like every four years, we hear this from political pundits: “This is the most important election – ever!”
Looking back, I can only recall a pair of races that really changed America. First, when Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy the Peanut Farmer in 1980, I think everyone felt a sense of relief. Yes, I know I’m dating myself recalling that race.
Then, a mere four years ago, when Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, I’m pretty sure America dodged a proverbial bullet.
I called that one in 2015, after observing the massive turnout and enthusiasm during the primaries for then-candidate Trump compared to Hillary Clinton. Hillary couldn’t fill a high school gymnasium and Donald Trump filled arenas. Sure enough, voter enthusiasm carried the election for Donald Trump.
This time through, I’m seeing an even bigger enthusiasm gap.
Americans by the thousands line up for miles to see President Trump. As an example, Trump held a rally after the first debate with Joe Biden. Not only did thousands attend in person, but 120,000 more watched it online.

Meanwhile at Biden events, Secret Service agents sometimes outnumber Biden supporters.

In 2016, a lot of Democrats blamed Hillary’s loss on her failure to campaign in Wisconsin. Folks, Joe Biden effectively isn’t campaigning anywhere this time around.
The 2020 Election – Illinois
Here in the Land of Lincoln, civil unrest has spooked a lot of voters. I expect candidates who have embraced law-and-order to do fairly well. Looking state-wide, I feel optimistic we will flip a couple of anti-gun state reps or senators into pro-gun seats. Or at least less antagonistically anti-gun seats.
However, it all depends on YOU and your like-minded friends. If fake polling data discourages you from voting, then our hands are tied and gun rights lose.
Do your part to make sure you, your friends, neighbors and family members who share your pro-gun beliefs make it to the polls. Take them to the polls if you have to. I’ve done it before and would do it again.
Avoid the mail-in ballot option. There are too many opportunities for fraud or worse with mail-in voting. There’s just no substitute for “trust but verify” and that involves filling out your ballot and feeding it into the machine or ballot box yourself.
Lastly, even if you’re not excited about the race at the top of the ticket, there are lots of important down-ticket races that will impact your life. Do not sit this election out.
If you visit PROTECTTHEVOTE.COM, you can sign up for training to become a poll watcher to detect possible voting fraud on election day.
Big changes coming in Illinois
The feds are closing in on Michael Madigan. A federal indictment remains imminent. Already, the Black Caucus and the Progressive Caucus in the Illinois Democrat party are at loggerheads over who gets what in terms of power. Look for more bickering when Madigan is finally indicted.
Expect more civil unrest.
Plan accordingly.
Antifa isn’t going anywhere. Neither are other opportunists who see “civil unrest” as a ticket to free stuff obtained thanks to looting opportunities.
If you have a small business, you need to draw your line in the sand and prepare accordingly.
The same goes for people living in residential neighborhoods in cities and suburbs. Yes, residential neighborhoods are less likely to see roaming mobs of troublemaking hooligans, but it’s happening with increasing regularity. Again, draw your line in the sand and prepare.
I recommend a low profile in both cases, doing as little as possible to antagonize a mob of black-clad, masked “social justice warriors.”
If you haven’t secured self-defense legal insurance yet, you’re risking everything even if you act to the standard by which you will be judged. You can’t afford not to have this coverage. Discounts exist for GSL members.
US Law Shield has a great product (I’m a dues-paying member… mention your GSL membership and they’ll waive the initiation fee and give you two months on the back end with an annual sign-up of about $130ish). Also worth a mention: Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (also a member… mention GSL or John Boch and they’ll knock off $25 your first year’s membership and treat you like family – about $110) and US Concealed Carry Association (sign up with their group sales and your GSL membership gets you 15% off).
In the meantime, VOTE, be prudent and cautious, and remain safe.