America’s criminals must appreciate government recommendations for folks to wear masks in public now. It helps the bad guys conceal their identity and doesn’t raise suspicion during a pandemic.
But a pair of home invaders in Arlington Heights, Illinois learned the hard way that while the masks may help protect them from COVID-19, they don’t make the wearers bulletproof.
Yes, the duo made a profound error in the victim selection process on Saturday. Despite seeing the American flag flying out front — a strong indicator that the homeowner may own firearms — the pair proceeded with their daylight home invasion plan.
A Ring doorbell cam caught the lead-up to the attempted invasion.
The apparent ringleader walked up and tried walking right inside until he found a locked door. He knocked and rang the doorbell. Before the resident arrived at the front door, Mr. Bad Guy pointed out the Ring camera to his accomplice
Moments later, when the door opened, he walked in like he owned the place. That’s when all hell broke loose inside.
The unblinking Ring camera kept recording and caught the homeowner’s vicious and violent counter-attack.
Here’s the video (NSFW for male butt nudity).
After dealing with the first bad guy, the homeowner returned to the home to save his family from the second intruder.
The Arlington Heights Patch has more details.
A subsequent investigation revealed that Larry D. Brodacz and Bradley J. Finnan, 38, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, planned to force their way into the residence and rob the homeowners at gunpoint, police said. Once the pair gained entry, the male homeowner fought with Finnan and chased him out of the house, according to police.
After re-entering his house, the homeowner retrieved a handgun from a safe and confronted Brodacz, who was pointing his own firearm at the homeowner’s family, police said. Brodacz attacked the homeowner with a knife, police said, and after a brief struggle and the homeowner fired one shot into Brodacz’ abdomen and fled the house with his family to await the police.
In the end, the police called on the local SWAT team to secure the home fearing the wounded bad guy might still have ill intent.

However, Mr. Masked Invader bled out before the police got to him.
Police: Deadly shooting inside Arlington Heights home was homicide; Buffalo Grove man ID’ed as person killed
— Daily Herald (@dailyherald) April 5, 2020
From the Daily Herald story.
Arlington Heights police on Sunday identified a 58-year-old Buffalo Grove man as the person shot to death during an apparent home invasion Saturday afternoon on the village’s north side, and said his suspected accomplice is in their custody.
Police called to the home in the 2400 block of North Evergreen Avenue found Larry D. Brodacz dead of a gunshot wound on the second floor. His death has been ruled a homicide, police said Sunday.
Police arrested a Chattanooga, Tennessee man and Cook County prosecutors are having him held without bail.
A Tennessee man is facing murder charges in connection with a brazen daytime Arlington Heights home invasion that left the suspect’s accomplice shot dead by the homeowner, authorities said Tuesday.
Bradley J. Finnan, 38, of Chattanooga, Tenn., was charged Tuesday with felony murder and home invasion after allegedly being one of two armed men who tricked their way into a home Saturday afternoon in the 2400 block of North Evergreen Avenue, a house authorities said the pair had targeted.
Finnan was ordered held in Cook County Jail without bail following a bond hearing Tuesday at the courthouse in Rolling Meadows.
There are a number of reports of what happened. Supposedly one of the bad guys saw $200,000 in cash in that house 20 years ago. And they had reason to believe it still remained. Because, you know. Everyone keeps $200k in cash at home.
The homeowner later posted a heartfelt thank you to the community on Facebook following the incident (edited for readability).
Please bear with me through this post, I am still quite overwhelmed. It has been the most challenging last few days for our family.
Most are aware of the armed home invasion in Arlington Heights on Saturday, April 4th.
Many of you are aware, and for those that are not, this is about our family, OUR HOME.
This is an open case therefore I will limit any description of the horror, terror and fear my family had to endure that day and all that continues. There are no words to be found to appropriately define the ongoing aftermath of this event for our family.
We are doing our best and praying each following day will bring better than the last.
With all of this distress, our family has been blessed with the most incredible outpouring of concern for our family. The calls, the texts, the emails, family, friends, neighbors, Thomas Middle school, friends we have lost track with over the years and so many of the Arlington Heights community that without knowing us just wanted to help.
Unbelievable numbers opening their homes to us for a place to stay during this already unprecedented quarantine time. Offering to get us groceries, prepare meals for our family, get or buy us clothing. Offering to do anything and everything that would HELP.
This speaks volumes of the GOOD that is out there. This not only touches our souls, it places hope in our hearts. HOPE that we will heal from this event, HOPE that we will one day feel safe again, HOPE that the images and sounds that currently hold us hostage on replay in our minds will begin to fade.
We want each an every one of you that extended your hand to our family to know, we are forever filled with gratitude and heartfelt emotion. You have no idea how much it means to us and how very much your genuine care & concern for our family has been a monumental part of getting us through these days and our journey in healing moving forward. How can we ever say it with the depth it demands, THANK YOU.
April 4th changed our lives, and brought true appreciation in the fact we are alive. It is so incredibly important we acknowledge and thank all of the Arlington Heights law enforcement, Detectives, Special teams, SWAT, Paramedics, Fire department, Forensics and at the front of this case, the lead detective and her unwavering, above and beyond non-stop effort to bring justice to our family.
We had the opportunity to meet some of the most incredible people through a horrific circumstance. You are amazing. Please know you carry our everlasting respect and gratitude.
God bless each and everyone of you. We may have experienced the incredible evil in the world but because of all of you, you made sure we can still see there is Good.❤️🙏
If my fellow people of the gun ever needed a reason to practice home carry, this story should help you make the decision.
I’m 150 miles from Looneyland, Illinois and I’m packin’ all day everyday, during this socialism practice run. If you own gun right now, get a holster for it and keep it on you always, at home, you don’t need a license at home. When the democrat voters start escaping their self imposed paradise , you’ll be ready.
Democrat voters? Eh. Not so much.
The criminals I know don’t vote. Or own pets.
I’m 150 miles from Looneyland, Illinois and I’m packin’ all day everyday, during this socialism practice run. If you own a gun right now, get a holster for it and keep it on you always, at home, you don’t need a license at home. When the democrat voters start escaping their self imposed paradise , you’ll be ready.