Coyotes infest most of Illinois, killing game animals, including endangered species. They also pose a real risk to pets and small children alike.
Besides semis and Buicks, ‘yotes have few natural predators. Aside from hunters and land owners sick of them.
Do your part to help thin the herd.
X RING CUSTOM will hold their 9th Annual Coyote Competition on Friday, January 17, 2020 and Saturday, January 18, 2020. At signup, each team will receive bite sticks, door prize tickets, and a competitor drawing ticket for the X RING CUSTOM $200.00 Gift Card. Then on Friday, at 5:00 pm, X Ring Custom will give out the bite stick code on facebook live. Teams call in downed coyotes throughout the two-day hunt and end with a Saturday 5:00pm coyote check-in.
The check-in crew will carefully inspect each coyote to ensure it was a fresh kill. Food, awards, and drawings will take place at the Toledo American Legion starting at 5:00pm. Many hunters will receive various door prizes consisting of a hunting bags, cups, lights, coyote urine, tools, broadheads, coyote drags, and other hunting gear from area and corporate sponsors including: Hornady, Zander’s Sporting Goods, Hall’s Fur and Game Farm, and X RING CUSTOM.
Cash prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Biggest, and Smallest coyote winning teams. Custom designed coyote skull mount trophies, made by Colin Cole of Toledo, are given to the 1st place team.
Now get out there and do a public service in thinning the herd of canis latrans in your area.
For more information, visit X-RING’s website.