Al Hoffman old jebber

Some folks get a vastly over-inflated sense of importance in the world over time.  Take Al Hoffman, Jr. who made a career in real estate development in Florida.  The mainstream media – specifically the New York Times – has worked themselves into an excited frenzy over this nobody.  Why?  Because Albert Hoffman, a supposedly "prominent Republican political donor" (per the NY Times) says he's done writing checks to the GOP if Republicans don't pass gun control legislation.  In reality, the story serves as yet another piece of "FAKE NEWS" journalism the NY Times has become known for.

Al Hoffman isn't so prominent, relevant or important in today's  world.  But don't let that get in the way of the NY Times trying to make him into something he's not to advance their gun control narrative.  

Yeah, the NY Times notes how Hoffman donated a million bucks to George W. Bush's campaign way back when.  That happened a long time ago, and dropping a million bucks doesn't make you anyone's sugar daddy in today's national political scene.  In contrast, Michael Bloomberg drops $50m a year on Everytown for Gun Control and tens of millions more on Democrats who campaign for gun control.  And George Soros-funded trusts and foundations do the same on an even larger scale for radical Democrats.  Every election cycle.

Yeah, Al Hoffman has been and remains "prominent" only in his own mind.  And in the minds of the NY Times reporters desperately seeking to advance a gun control narrative.

Al Hoffman remains an establishment Republican and Bush supporter.  More recently he supported low-energy jeb! in lil' Jebbie Bush's inept run for the Republican nomination back in 2016.  You can be forgiven if you forgot about Jeb!'s doomed campaign of ineptitude.


In fact, by early 2016, Jebbie! quit the race after he couldn't even manage to gain 10% of the Republican vote in South Carolina.  That followed humiliating defeats, getting creamed in Iowa and New Hampshire, for the guy once thought unstoppable in his race to extend the Bush Presidential dynasty by another 4 years.  Yeah, that's the sort of "leadership" Al Hoffman supports.  Losers like Jeb! Bush.

What's more, good old Al tells the NY Times that he's going to "seek to marshal support among other Republican political donors for a renewed assault weapons ban".

Oh, so he's going to take his fellow, irrelevent #NeverTrump establishment political donors with him?  Someone help out and rent Al and his friends a bus to the DNC headquarters.  Heaven knows the Democrat party is the party of gun control and they could use some cash as they are functionally insolvent at the moment.

So Al, go self-procreate, will you!  America doesn't need politicians – or people like you – who try to recreate past tyrannies.