IGOLD event schedule…

NOTE:  Guns Save Life members will meet at the Golden Corral restaurant at 1038 Lejune Dr, Springfield, IL 62703 (In Walmart Supercenter Plaza on S. Sixth Street) at 10:45am for lunch and camaraderie prior to heading to the Prairie Capital Convention Center.  All are welcome to join us.

10:30 am: Doors open

Prairie Capital Convention Center
Please take a packet as you enter 

11:30 am: Please be seated


11:45 am: Legislative briefing begins  
IGOLD speakers, important legislation,
tips on visiting your legislators.

Important legislation:

OPPOSE:  HB2354 (Willis), Lethal Order of Protection

OPPOSE:  SB1657 (Harmon), Gun Dealer Licensing

OPPOSE:  SB1985 (Harmon), Ammunition Lead Ban

SUPPORT:  SB50 (Haine), Suppressor Legalization

1:00 pm: Assemble for the March to the Capitol


A shuttle bus will be available for those
who cannot make the 3/4 mile march



1:30 pm: Enter the Capitol using all available entrances  
Deliver lobby cards to your legislators, Governor,  
Speaker of the House, President of the Senate
3:30 pm: Rally in the Capitol Rotunda
4:00 pm: Depart from the Capitol 
The shuttle bus will be available for those  
needing a ride back to the area near the  
Prairie Capital Convention Center


6 thoughts on “Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day: Wednesday April 5th”
  1. Weather forecast not looking the greatest. Is there any problem bringing umbrellas into the capitol?

    1. They won't let people bring in sticks (sign holders).  Umbrellas?  Unknown.  Anyone know for sure?


    2. Would the potential nasty weather affect the plans or schedule of IGOLD at all, or will everything take place no matter what the weather?

  2. IGOLD is on no matter hell or high water.

    The march?  Well, that's up to you.  My van will hold three additional passengers for those like me who refuse to march six or eight blocks in a heavy rain or thunderstorm.  I'll even drop you off at the steps of the capitol before I find a place to park.

    Order placed for non-rainy weather tomorrow afternoon.

  3. I went.

    My best guess is 350 people there.  Tiny, tiny crowd compared to pictures I saw from a few years ago.  About 20% were over 70.  Certainly half were over 50.  Saw women and kids.  That is good.

    Several people wondered where the IGOLD lady was.  Mrs. Rowe, I think.  It was my first time.  Glad I went.  Wish we would have had more minorities, young people and ladies.  Met some GSLers, including Boch.  Good people.  Glad I found you guys.

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