Photo via Daily Californian.

The anti-gun polemic Miss Sloane expanded nationwide after two weeks of miserable ratings in four cities.  The result?

People didn't think couldn't get any worse for the movie starring Hillary's boot-licking Jessica Chastain.  But it did.

Box Office Mojo has the tale of the tape.  Figures below are from there.

The movie expanded from four cities to 1648 theaters the week of December 9-15.  To put that into context, most of the bigger films are in 3,000 plus plexes.

The take per screen dropped by 89% to $1578 per screen.  At an average ticket price of $9, that's 175 people.  For seven days, or an average of 25 people per day per screen.

That's an empty theater, folks.

If you want to go squander your money on this thing at the theater, you better hurry.  It's going to be as rare as a pot of gold at the foot of a rainbow pretty darn quick.

4 thoughts on “FAILBOAT DOCKING: Anti-gun Flick Miz Sloane on more screens, but nobody’s watching”
  1. Miss Sloane is probably wishing the damn Russians would come see her movie.

    At this rate, the movie's production company may ask for their money back from Little Miss Boot Lickin' Chastain, citing piss poor acting.

    Then again, the screenplay sucked too.  Probably the Russians hacked it.

  2. Gee couldn’t happen to a nicer sort of Anti Americans, mail them over to ISIS they’d make great propaganda while losing their Noggins!

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