No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money posted (reposted?) a rant from a Florida gun shop owner that is spot on (hat tip to The Gun Free Zone):


Donald Trump is an Asshole

Donald Trump is an asshole. Thankfully, that doesn't matter in a president. We've all had bosses or friends or family members that are assholes. And guess what, they all managed to do whatever job they're doing. It's of no consequence. There are plenty of assholes in the world. I'm one of them, I should know. You might be one also. I'm not going to have a beer with Trump. He's not coming over for Thanksgiving dinner. I don't care. People have written literally dozens of books on the Clintons. Guess what? They're assholes too.

Donald Trump is an asshole. He has hurt some people's feelings. In contrast, the Clintons have blood on their hands and have left a trail of dead bodies in their wake a mile long. And look what happens when you choose a president that is hip and cool. You get 8 years of Barack Obama hanging out with Jay-Z and Beyonce.

Donald Trump didn't pay taxes. So what. Apple doesn't pay taxes and you keep buying their shit. Lots of rich people don't pay taxes. There's a whole cottage industry called "wealth management" that finds creative ways to hedge the rich from taxes. I file deductions every year– as many as my poor ass can manage. I hope you do the same. Is it fair? Probably not. But you know why those loopholes are in place? Because of career politicians like Hillary Clinton. She's been at this game for decades. What good has she done for this country? Our tax code is a joke and it's because of crooked politicians like the Clintons. The Clinton Foundation doesn't pay taxes. It's nothing more than a giant money laundering scheme for their cronies.

Barack Obama has weaponized the IRS and other areas of the government to attack our Constitutional rights. Operation Chokepoint targeted firearms-related businesses. That's why my bank of 15 years just dropped me as a client two weeks ago. Imagine the outrage if banks discriminated against the LGBT community, blacks, or Muslims. You wouldn't hear the end of it. But because liberals hate the 2nd Amendment, it's okay. No media coverage. No outrage. This policy literally threatens my way of life– and my ability to provide for my family.

Are you better off after 8 years of Obama? Do you want 8 more years of this bullshit under Hillary Clinton? It is impossible for Donald Trump to do a worse job than Obama or Hillary. Impossible. Our country cannot take much more. Obama preaches about low unemployment and the recovery of the economy. That's laughable. Most of my customers cannot afford to buy a $200 knife from me– let alone a $2000 rifle. It was different a few years ago. Things are worse now. Your dollar doesn't buy much. The entire financial system is on the brink of collapse. There is much uncertainty in the market. The failed policies of this administration have cost many folks their livelihoods– their homes and cars, their marriages. Can you afford 8 more years of this? I cannot.

My son is going to grow up in an America that is unrecognizable. The good old days are long gone. "Hope and Change" failed miserably. We need a major course correction and Trump is the asshole to do it. That's my rant for today. I'm going to mow my yard and kick something in anger. Have a good weekend and God bless you and yours. God bless America. We need it.

— Evan Kostreva of On Point Firearms


4 thoughts on “Donald Trump is an A-hole.”
  1. I am confident that if we work hard, Trump will win.  If Hillary can't even turn out a crowd at rallies, why does anyone think her "supporters" are going to injure themselves going out to vote?

    She's done and she knows it.

    Trump's going to beat both the Democrats and the GOP establishment in this election.

  2. I don't remember me as being perfect. I was told their was four witnesses that I was perfect. Present was mom and dad, a doctor and a nurse. I didn't get court depositions from all of them to prove I was perfect. They have gone on to bigger and brighter journey. Since that time it has been a day to day adventure to find " where" my perfect went. How about YOU and your "perfect"?

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