
A GREAT opinion piece from a Canadian!


by Andrew Benjamin
Canadian Free Press


Dear Madame Secretary Clinton,

Let’s have “an intelligent conversation about guns.”

You speak about “gun violence” at every turn.

You and the President remind us about “a gun epidemic.”

That’s the gun epidemic that, according to statistics from the FBI, cut violent crime across this nation to one third of what it was under your husband‘s tenure.

It was the decline in gun violence after firearms laws were rapidly being liberalized and many states adopted “shall issue” pistol permits.

The only epidemic Madame Clinton, are people buying guns legally in fear of your ultimate goal of confiscating the very first human and civil right of self-defense.

Meanwhile, neither you nor the president have ever made an effort to confiscate the guns of thugs on the streets of Obama’s home town¬†—as your party opposed frisk laws and supported Black Lives Matter, members of whom are shooting, in addition to each other, innocent law enforcement officers doing their job on the streets.

You talk about background checks, as if gun buyers in this nation can buy a gun without background checks. No, they cannot Madame! No dealer will sell a gun without permission from the FBI.

Only the thugs you have supported buy guns without background checks.

When you speak about gun violence, you never speak about the gun violence killing the innocent voters in the communities who back the two of you.

You see, legal gun owners are not shooting each other in the suburbs.


Your fans are.

You want to have “an intelligent conversation about guns?”

Well Madame secretary, I also want to have an intelligent conversation about guns, so let’s have one.

President at the time—Mass Shootings (Defined as 4 or more deaths)

Ronald Reagan (2 Terms)—11
George HW Bush (1 Term)—12
William J. Clinton (2 Terms)—23
George W. Bush (Jr) (2 Terms)—20
Barack Obama (1.75 Terms)—162

Dear Madame Clinton, Honorable President Obama.

Was that conversation about guns intelligent enough for you?

2 thoughts on “A Conversation for Hillary about Guns: Spree killings under Obama – 162”
  1. I once saw a catfish with a mouth that large. Did not have bait big enough to catch it.

    You know,a wad of 100 bills the size of a exlarge grapefruit.

  2. I wonder if people truly understand how much violent crime will explode in this country if this lying, pandering, self serving piece of garbage is elected.  The criminal class will have a veritable get out of jail free card provided by your Democrats.  Law enforcement will be dead, the body count will rise exponentially.  If it's thugs killing each other I'm all for it but the animals are branching out all over.  The number of innocents being victimized will sky rocket.  The surrounding suburbs are now feeling the effect of the Chicago savage thug hunting in their neighborhood.  Welcome to the democratic run state.  There is not a single democratic state that is not financially unstable due to the excessive entitlements.  There is not a single democratic state that does not have a high black population with the correspondingly high violent crime rate.   Both of which are constantly rises.  Buying votes with tax money, keeping them dependent and unwilling to take responsibility for their actions and their lives.  Hillary is Obama continued, only she is much better at selling out the American people for personal profit.  How both Clintons aren't in prison is beyond me.  Our country is swirling down the ghetto toilet, we need to head in a different direction.  We cannot let her become the President.  We will have a civil war in this country, all the while the terrorist will be picking us off in small groups.   And when we need guns the most this evil shrew will take them away.   But as long as she has armed security it all good right.  Hypocritical criminal is what she is.   The FBI director should resign in shame for his refusal to do his duty.  The Chicago Way has infected this entire nation, thanks Obama.

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