
Top cop calls for special legislative session to toughen gun crime sentencing

by John Kass
Chicago Tribune

Eddie Johnson is police superintendent in a Chicago on fire, with 90 dead in August alone. He’s a decent man forced to turn to politicians for help.

Johnson wants tougher sentencing laws that target felons arrested with guns. And on Thursday he urged lawmakers to call a special session of the state legislature and take action before more lives are lost in the gang wars.

Why?  Cook County prosecutors won’t even use the laws available to them now to aggressively prosecute violent offenders.  We’ve detailed this numerous times.

The intoxicated woman without a carry license that pulled a gun out of her purse and fired off five rounds at people after leaving a bar.  She was caught and charged with a misdemeanor.

The three young black gang bangers who did a drive-by shooting at a busy public park, wounding two.  Caught after a brief police chase, they were each charged with a Class 4 felony punishable by one- to three-years in prison.

The gang banger who stabbed a good Samaritan, collapsing the victim’s lung and nearly causing him to bleed out, charged with misdemeanor battery.

Florida, on the other hand, until February of this year, had a 10-20-Life law that put bad guys using guns in prison for a LONG time, and that caused firearm violent crime to drop to historic lows.  We can’t do that in Illinois!  That might put Auntie Mae’s murderous, thug-lifer nephew in prison for the rest of his life!

“If we need to go to Springfield, I’m on the first thing smoking going down there, because the longer we wait, the more people we’ll see being shot and killed on our streets,” Johnson told me during a recording of my podcast, The Chicago Way, on WGN Plus.

Why not use the existing laws, Chief?

“Until repeat gun offenders recognize we’re serious about holding them accountable, we’re going to continue to see this gun violence,” Johnson said. “There’s a sense of urgency with me. And the sooner we can get this done, the better. I don’t know what we’re waiting for.”

I know what Chicago’s waiting for.

The people in the neighborhoods savaged by the gang wars are waiting on the legislative Black Caucus, a group of lawmakers who represent many of those neighborhoods, to get to work and do something.

Yet even as the bodies pile up, the Black Caucus doesn’t seem to feel any urgency. And their constituents should know this.

A few years ago, the caucus killed mandatory minimum sentencing legislation that could have kept gun violators in prison for many years, rather than let them walk to shoot again. That’s the bill that should have been passed. But it gave the judges little, if any, wiggle room, and went nowhere.

Johnson said the bill he’s now pushing is being worked on by two Democrats, state Sen. Kwame Raoul of Chicago and state Rep. Michael J. Zalewski of Riverside.

In theory, it would give judges new guidelines for sentencing felons convicted of unlawful use of weapons charges. Repeat offenders would get at least seven years.

But if a judge deviates downward from the guidelines, that judge would have to explain their decision in writing. That’s the kind of thing that judges hate. Why? Because then they’d wear the jacket if that defendant made headlines by killing someone.

Guidelines will mean NOTHING if prosecutors under-charge the cases!

Unfortunately, the Black Caucus takes its time. Members will have a meeting in a week or two. They’ll talk, then they might meet some more.



4 thoughts on “Chicago Top Cop wants more legislation when prosecutors won’t even use existing law”
  1. Same crap, different day. He won’t attack his boss or democrats over at the prosecutor’s office. While his little girlfriend cheated her way to a promotion to lieutenant. Does anything think for a minute if she wasn’t performing sexual favors (BeeJays for EeeJay) for the new chief that she would be anything other than a desk jockey? I hope she’s really “interesting” in bed, Eddie and sticks around for your fatass after you get canned soon. Your days as chief are numbered.

  2. Ask Tommy Dart WHY ARE THE JAILS HALF EMPTY? Why are divisions closed? Why are a rotating cadre of 60K jagoffs NOT IN JAIL? Because the money is gone! They don’t have the cash to keep these strokes locked up and if they can save over half a million daily while risking YOUR LIVES, thats just ducky by Dart and Toni Preckwinke. The bad guys know there is no longer any teeth in the law, and that is the death of any civilization…..The city and county have chased and taxed business out of the area, because they have no idea how money is made. (Amazon builds another Distribution Center in the far SW burbs, was there no open space or labor or infrastructure in chicago? ) The brutal truth is that judges are going easy on bad guys because there is no place to put them, the cops are going fetal, they see no future in being the next Darren Wilson, but everyone is playing Pokemon….

  3. Why would the black caucus want their constituents in prison? The black caucus will always fight tougher sentences because they want to stay in office. They don’t care about dead black people. They want what all politicians want, to stay elected. Easiest job in the world. That’s why they always blame guns and not the black people using them.

  4. Did everyone see the news video? The good citizens of Chicago can’t even water their lawn, in broad daylight, less than 20′ from their house without being mugged and shot. 50 years of giving generations of these people everything they need has somehow transitioned into them being “entitled” to take everything they want.

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