Isn’t it amazing what we learn after a day or two.  Gun control narratives are failing left and right, as are a host of other media-generated narratives for thinking Americans.



It was a homophobic attack.

The killer’s ex-wife claims he was gay.

Former male friends said he asked them out on dates.

He used the gay dating apps “Jack’d” and “Grindr“.

He was a regular at the Pulse nightclub.

A more likely scenario than it was a homophobic attack was that the terrorist thought he could atone for his sins by that jihadi attack on a gay bar, which would allow him to get his 72 virgins and countless little boys in the afterlife.



Shannon Watts-Up:  This isn’t happening in any other developed nation.

Shannon Watts, <aka Shannon Troughton, President and owner of of VoxPop Public Relations, a boutique liberal PR firm>, the paid working girl of Michael Bloomberg tweeted this:


Note how she only got 181 retweets (where people share her “tweet”) and 158 likes – after two days.

Shannon must have been busy thinking about her cats instead of remembering the Le Bataclan nightclub attack in Paris last year that saw 130 dead and maimed hundreds more, mostly shot or stabbed by terrorists armed with guns and knives, despite France’s arduous gun control laws.  Paris, for the geographically challenged including Shannon Watts, is the capital city of France, a very much a developed nation – with nuclear weapons, a long and proud history of modern science, medicine and industry.

Belgium is another modern, developed European nation which coincidentally borders France.  While Belgium doesn’t have nuclear weapons, they do have plenty of Muslims.  Let’s not forget the dozens killed and nearly 200 injured in a coordinated Muslim terror attack in Brussels, Belgium earlier this year.  Was Shannon busy tending to her shoes when that happened?

The Muslim terrorists there used bombs, not guns, to kill.  Just because guns aren’t readily available doesn’t mean terrorists go away.

Then there’s the United States of America.  Back on September 11th, 2001, Muslim terrorists used box cutters and commercial airliners to kill over 3000 Americans and maim tens of thousands more.  They didn’t use a single firearm.

Dear Shannon:  Your hair coloring does not make you smarter.

By the way, the NRA’s statement about the attack netted a few more shares and likes in a mere 12 hours:


By the way II:  On Google, I noted a dearth of search returns on “Muslim terror in Belgium”, yet on Bing, I got plenty of what I was looking for.  Is Google protecting Muslims like they are protecting Hillary Clinton?

Speaking of Hillary…


Hillary Clinton:  “If the FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun.”

As the Federalist points out, we should be consistent:

If the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of your suspected illegal use of a home email server to transmit classified intelligence, you shouldn’t be allowed to just go and run for president. Obviously. The idea that we would allow a person who can’t be trusted with our most vital secrets to hold the most powerful office in the nation is absurd. It’s just not safe.


The Orlando Muslim terrorist wasn’t even on the terror watch list(!)

(The Hill) – The man who police say killed 49 people in a brutal rampage in Orlando, Fla., early on Sunday morning was on a federal watch list for roughly 10 months in 2013 and 2014, while he was the subject of an FBI probe.

But then (Muslim scumbag’s name redacted) was taken off the list soon after the investigation ended in March of 2014, FBI Director James Comey said on Monday


He didn’t use an AR-15(!)

NARRATIVE FAIL: Orlando Islamic Terrorist Did NOT Use An AR-15

(Bearing Arms) – The anti-gun politimedia wasted no time at all demonizing the most common rifle in the United States as being the real villain of the Islamic terrorist attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando.


Judd Legume of Think Progress squeaked, “The NRA’s Love Affair With The AR-15, Weapon Of Choice For Mass Murderers, In 22 Tweets.”

Always wrong Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post whined, “The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters’ weapon of choice.”

Here’s the thing.

The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15.

Photo via

The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.

Photo via


Media fail:

NY Daily News:  “Thanks NRA”

Slate:  “Trump’s Response to Orlando Is Exactly What ISIS Wants”

Washington Post:  “Donald Trump seems to connect President Obama to Orlando shooting”

Stupid media pundits:

(Newsbusters) – Sunday’s tragic and devastating shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando predictably brought out the worst in the left-wing media, who took to Twitter to politicize the events before even a day had passed. Like tragedies before it, the media automatically blamed the NRA, gun-supporting politicians and the GOP. But this time, some liberal media pundits even blamed men in general and Christians for the shooting, despite the fact that the shooter was a radicalized Muslim. Here is a sampling of the kind of rhetoric coming from liberals in the media on Twitter:

According to Ana Marie Cox,writer for MTV News and New York Times contributor, politicians need to “worry” about their “souls” if they supported the NRA:

Your “thoughts and prayers” can’t soothe others’ pain. If you’re an A+ NRA politician, I’d worry about your own soul at the moment.

— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) June 12, 2016

Jill Filipovic, Guardian columnist, Jamil Smith of MTV News, and MSNBC’s Joy Reid wondered why guns were necessary:

People who want to kill in the name of ISIS, or white supremacy, or who want to kill schoolkids-why should any of them get military weapons?

— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 12, 2016

There is no reason why any civilian actually NEEDS an AR-15. Unless you count killing a lot of people at once as a “need.”

— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) June 12, 2016

If you can kill people just as easily with a knife or a pen as with a gun, then why do you need a gun to defend yourself?

— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) June 12, 2016

The NRA would have us think that assault rifles are good for home defense. An increasingly popular use: mass murder.

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) June 13, 2016

David Ehrlich, film critic for Indiewire, blamed republican Governor Rick Scott, saying the blood was on his hands for voting for pro-gun rights laws:

you signed more pro-gun bills into law in 1 TERM than any Governor in Florida history. this blood is on your hands.

— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) June 12, 2016

my thought is that we need to vote everyone out of office who enabled a homophobic sociopath to own an AR-15.

my prayer is that we do.

— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) June 12, 2016

Salon’s Amanda Marcotte, Glenn Greenwald, journalist for the Intercept, and CNN’s Sally Kohn went further blaming conservatives and Christians directly:

If you belong to *any* religion that teaches that homosexuality is a sin, you can kindly shut the fuck up until you renounce that belief.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) June 12, 2016

How conservatives can back the war that lead to the creation of ISIS and still have the nerve to blame liberals for terrorism is beyond me.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) June 12, 2016

“Our religion’s extremists hate gay people we just don’t slaughter them or throw them off buildings” is a very strange #ChristianHumblebrag

— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) June 12, 2016

Always fascinating to watch conservatives who won’t support basic non-discrimination laws bash Islamic fundamentalists for being anti-gay.

— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) June 12, 2016

Homophobic, misogynistic, racist extremist hate is the problem. It is problem in Islam, in Christianity, in Judaism, or any other form.

— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) June 12, 2016

The disgusting attempt to exploit anti-LGBT hatred to demonize Muslims is negated by the life experience of LGBTs

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 13, 2016

Anti-LGBT hatred has long pervaded, and still pervades, many cultures – not unique to 1

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 13, 2016

Was only a copule of years ago that American Christian activists worked to implement death penalty for Ugandan gays

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 13, 2016

Smith, and Filipovic blamed men and “masculinity” for the shooting:

Masculinity is an issue, too. The Orlando shooter had two things in common with so many mass shooters: assault rifles, and Y chromosomes.

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) June 12, 2016

Ban Muslims? Ban men.

— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) June 13, 2016

What do the vast majority of mass shootings in the US have in common? Not Islam. Angry men with easy access to guns.

— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) June 12, 2016

While MTV’s Smith claimed prayers don’t work against mass shootings, but “safe spaces” do?

Prayers haven’t been working, with all due respect. They don’t stop bullets, nor do they remove them and heal the wounds they leave.

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) June 12, 2016

I really don’t want to hear any more lampooning of the term “safe spaces” after this. Orlando should make it clear how essential they are.

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) June 12, 2016



Meanwhile, bits of sanity manage to appear in the mainstream media.

From the NY Daily News:

In wake of Orlando, gays should arm themselves: Otherwise, in gun-free zones like the Pulse nightclub, we’re sitting ducks to maniacs and terrorists

There has been jubilation on the internet at the massacre of peaceful people who were killed because they were gay and they were Americans. That made them a “twofer” for the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS.

It’s time to fight back. No more gun-free designated massacre zones. If there had been armed people with concealed carry permits inside the Pulse nightclub, the zealot who had pledged allegiance to ISIS could have been stopped. Dozens of lives could have been saved.

I say that as a gay man who has himself carried a weapon for protection.



8 thoughts on “CATASTROPHICALLY: The gun control narratives break down following the Orlando Muslim terror attack”
  1. I think we need to take a look at Hillary’s logic about who can have access to a gun and extrapolate it a bit. If the elite believe that we the common citizen need so many gun restrictions, then how about we let them walk a mile in our shoes. We need legislation that puts very tight parameters around those that have access to armed security. Look at all of the people convicted of felonies and under investigation for felonies that have armed security details. Why are they allowed to have people armed protection? Does it matter whether I am able to pull the trigger or just tell someone else to do it? And how about the liability associated with such actions? Shouldn’t the person under protection be just as liable as the bodyguard that committed such action? We need to push for legislation that helps the elite of the world see protection through our eyes. You restrict our access to guns, we restrict your access too.

  2. Another terribly misinformed “journalist” is right close to us here in Champaign.

    I was shocked, shocked I say, to read all the inaccurate writing by Tim Mitchell in the News gazette this week. While this one was more balanced than most local articles, I wonder if they’ll print a correction when someone points out simple “mistakes” he made in his emotional piece… that the idiot didn’t use an AR-15, ignoring the 4 to 6 weeks required to obtain a FOID card, the instant check by the feds,

  3. Moonbat leftists don’t let the truth get in the way of a good talking point!

    Never let a crisis go to waste.

    I do hope the gays figure out that the Democrats aren’t their friends… before it’s too late.

    Ditto for low-information America.

  4. I think Hillary should lead by example. Have all of her security be unarmed. But I wouldn’t wish that on the brave souls who have to protect these sycophants. Instead give up your security detail all together. Have your liberal gun haters, aka blame the gun instead of the criminals, protect you instead.

  5. How many lives have Muslims refugees or their spawn taken since 2009: 80 killed, 570 wounded. Enough is a enough, stop refugee resettlement.

  6. Muslims are killing raping and pillaging in the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

    The Left brings in those same Muslims and now they start committing the same acts of violence in the USA as they have been doing elsewhere but its the fault of guns.

    Its nuts!

  7. Trump hasn’t even been elected yet and he is already folding on gun control. We could have had a candidate with principles who has defended the second amendment during his entire career, but instead we get this. So sad.

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