GSL traffic


You’ll notice something new on the right side of our webpages:  Insticator.

It’s a company that will be providing ad content and ad revenue to Guns Save Life for a trial run here these next few weeks.  If we like it, we’ll keep it.  If not, it’ll be gone.

It’s time to monetize the GSL website (see above for traffic from the past seven days) to help us bring in more money so we can continue to grow new chapters, recruit new members and influence our fellow Americans.

Here’s the deal with Insticator:  You can play their quiz games without worry.  Clicking on the game won’t take you off our pages and won’t cost you anything.  It won’t download anything to your computer or make you grow hair on your palms, chest, abs or arms.   Each time you click on an answer, right or wrong, we pick up two “impressions” and each impression we receive is worth about two one-hundredths of a cent.  Yeah, that’s not much, but multiplied times a few hundred thousand, it adds up.

So, enjoy.

4 thoughts on “HOUSEKEEPING: Insticator addition.”
  1. What I always thought was one of the BEST sites of the Internet (guns save life/gun news)has just been turned into a worthless piece of S–T, by so called “Monetizing” it! It takes me 3-6 attempts to read an article, due to those damn pop-up adds locking my screen up. I have to shut down the site and bring it up again and again and again because of those damn ads. I doubt if I’ll ever go back to the site again… Such a shame-ruined by greed!

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