

Too smart by half or just an attention whore?

That’s what we want to know about the University of Texas at Austin’s longtime architecture dean Fritz Steiner.  He stomped his feet and very publicly announced he’s leaving his position over his irrational fears of card-carrying good guys having guns on the campus of his uber-leftist college.

He’s also announced that he’s heading off to the University of Pennsylvania School of Design.

While the University of Pennsylvania has a campus prohibition on firearms, there’s nothing in Pennsylvania State law that says licensed individuals can’t carry on campus.  So, concealed means concealed, and Professor Steiner is leaving one campus with guns for another.

He’s either not half as smart as he thinks he is, or he’s an attention whore.  Which is it, Professor?

UT Architecture Dean Cites Campus Carry as a Reason for Departure

(Texas Tribune) – The University of Texas at Austin’s longtime architecture dean announced on Thursday he is leaving, saying the state’s new campus carry law played a major role in pushing him out.  Fritz Steiner will take over as dean of University of Pennsylvania School of Design on July 1. The job offers an opportunity to join the Ivy League and return to the school where he earned three postgraduate degrees. But Steiner said he has turned down similar opportunities in the past, and probably would have done the same if people weren’t going to be allowed to carry guns in classrooms and other places on the UT-Austin campus next school year.

“I would have never applied for another job if not for campus carry,” he said in an interview. “I felt that I was going to be responsible for managing a law I didn’t believe in.”


Moms Demand Action are touting it as some earth-shattering event, but conveniently leave out that under Pennsylvania law, right-to-carry licensees are perfectly legal to carry on campus.


7 thoughts on “NITWIT: Anti-gun professor leaves Texas for another state’s campus where guns are legal.”
  1. Ivory Tower elites. Full of hubris but not half as smart as they think they are about how the real world works. Good on Texas getting rid of hardcore leftists. Now if the other 4,684 would leave that state, Texas would be a better place.

  2. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! In reality, his boyfriend probably got a job in PA and he wants to be remembered for his “principles” rather than merely following his lover. Or maybe the skeletons are piling up in his closet and he needs a bigger closet.

  3. I am a retired professor, and I really don’t get the stupidity of my former colleagues. The all fear the possibility of a disgruntled student showing up on campus with a gun, but totally oppose ccw on campus. Even our few security guards were unarmed. Too many ivory tower liberals with no common sense or real life experience. But they firmly believe they know best for the rest of us.

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