Getty IMages photo.

Florida puts armed violent criminals in prison for a long, long time.  Use a gun in a violent crime in Florida, you get an additional ten years added to your sentence.  There’s no plea bargains, early release or probation.  You go away.  Discharge the gun and add twenty years to the base sentence and if you wound or kill someone you can be sentenced to life, automatically.  Basically, you go away for a generation.

Florida enjoys the lowest rate of firearms violent crime in that state’s history, thanks to their tough laws on armed violent criminals.

In stark contrast, Chicago releases armed violent criminals back onto the streets at the earliest opportunity – on those rare occasions they arrest them to begin with – thanks mainly to the “no snitch” culture that permeates much of the black community in Chicago (and plenty of other cities across America, including Indianapolis.).

Proactive Policing is dead.

Police contacts with suspicious individuals is down 80% from 2015.

Illinois enacted a new law last year that took effect January 1st.  That law de-incentivizes proactive policing by requiring police to fill out paperwork and give a receipt to anyone police investigate as part of a “Terry” stop of suspicious individuals.  The data from these stops goes to the American Civil Liberties Union (known as the American Criminals Liberties Union in some circles), along with politicians who are keen to throw police under the bus to further their political ambitions.  Why would cops risk their jobs, pensions and livelihoods engaging in proactive policing when they can eliminate that risk by simply going through the motions?  Second City Cop wrote today, “Proactive Policing is dead for all intents and purposes.


Emptying the jail.

Cook County Jail admissions are down 70% over 2015.  Even when they arrest violent offenders, Democrat Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart puts them out as fast as he can with electronic monitoring.

How does that electronic monitoring program work?  Well, it’s essentially home arrest, but without enough technicians to monitor the “clients”, or cops to follow up on those who simply leave their homes, not so well.  You want an example?  Here’s one from Second City Cop:

[Officers] arrested subject Watson, Jerome DOB 9/3/7*. about two weeks ago. Jerome has 38 prior arrests including numerous felonies. Criminal history stated Jerome is a registered violent murderer in a moving status. Gang alert stated Mickey Cobra. Jerome had a Cook County Sheriff Electronic Monitoring Bracelet on his right ankle. He stated is was placed on him for a another recent charge of burglary and he already served the mandatory probation for the murder charge. [T]he Sheriff’s E.M. unit […] response was shocking to say the least. They informed they were NOT going immediately charge him for violating his EM conditions and if he bonded out on the new charge they would “catch up with him later.” They informed us Jerome was basically a needle in a hay stack and they have thousands of such cases. Is this nuts or what.


What’s the result of these changes since January 1st?

Homicides to date this year are double that of 2015.

Shootings to date this year are more than double that of 2015.

Other violent crime has exploded as well.

It’s so bad that even the mainstream media has picked up on it.

Homicides in Chicago this year double same period last year

(Chicago Tribune) – Four homicides over the weekend and two more Monday morning pushed Chicago’s homicide count so far this year to double the same period last year.

The city has recorded at least 95 homicides since the first of the year, compared to 47 last year, according to data kept by the  Tribune. The city has also more than doubled the amount of people shot – about 420 this year compared to 193 last year.

Here’s a graphic of the fatal carnage from



When you don’t put violent criminals in prison for long terms, you’re going to get more violent crime.

Folks, it’s reasonable and prudent to embrace firearm ownership to protect your home and family from violent crime.  What’s more, you should consider applying for your Illinois concealed carry license and once licensed, carry your gun with you everyday.

It’s only prudent.

10 thoughts on “MURDER CITY, USA: Chicago’s 2016 orgy of violence gets noticed in the mainstream media”
  1. Just the thought of having to travel to Chiraq makes me cringe. Every law-abiding citizen should be issued a firearm for self-protection. It’s obvious the political climate against law enforcement has pushed them to only showing up after the fact to take what little information the locals will provide. Why show up and attempt to stop a crime when the court system and the All Criminals Liberty Union will ensure they are on the street even before the paper work is complete.

  2. Watching Chicago PD.

    Isn’t it amazing how the characters look nothing like the real thug bad guys. TV characters need more tats, more gold teeth and rattier clothes.

    OH, and a lot more ignorance.

    All lives matter and thugs need slugs.

  3. The good people in Chicago don’t deserve this.

    If these scumbags only kept their violence amongst themselves, we wouldn’t be so upset, but mopes are going to mope and innocents will be victimized.

    Let’s put these thugs away and live safer.

  4. Prior to the passage of the FOID card and 68 GCA Chicago’s crime rate was fairly low. Why because good people could buy guns and provide a checks and balance between the good guys and the bad. Over 200 gun shops in the City sold guns with many selling guns through the mail.

    Until Chicago the USA along with some gun owners and groups decided to grow up and restore our 2A rights as they were before the 68 GCA and FOID then the City’s homocide problems may never change

    1. Yeah, and don’t forget the 1968 democrap convention which resulted in city-wide violence and “protests”

    2. During those stupid years, lots and lots and even lots more of the good guys kept their guns. Kinda “mind yer own business and everything will be fine”. Cops never pinched the good guys. Still don’t. As long as the bad guys keep to their own neighborhoods I don’t think regular folks really care what the bad guys with guns do. So, it’s a kinda nice place, Chicago is. I have chickens and bees and great neighbors. We watch out for each other and don’t get in each others business. The City that works.

  5. The best way to avoid a deadly confrontation is to not show up. That’s why I avoid Chicago like I would a leper colony.

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