
We’ve had an open line of communication with Todd Vandermyde, the lead gun rights lobbyist in Illinois, since like forever.   We work very closely with him.

You’ve noticed that we haven’t posted much about the bills being introduced in the General Assembly, including the bill to ban most semi-autos.  There’s a reason for that, folks.  That bill, and many like it, are introduced with no hope of passage.

They are merely introduced to assuage noisy constituents and paid lobbyists for the gun control crowd.  The Brady Campaign and Everytown/”Moms Demand Action”-types need these bills because they are bordering on irrelevant in the grand scheme of Illinois politics but they want to look like they have influence to keep that grant money rolling in to pay the bills.  It’s all about appearances.

If those paid organizers fail to even get a scary gun ban introduced, their grant money (and their jobs) might be in jeopardy from the well-healed trusts set up by the Soros- and Bloomberg-types of the world.

House Bill 6008 has gotten a lot of attention from folks on our side.

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Counties Code and the Wildlife Code. Provides that in the counties of Cook, Lake, Will, and DuPage, it is unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm for the purpose of taking any of the species protected by the Wildlife Code, or hunt with gun or dog, or intentionally or wantonly allow a dog to hunt, within 1,000 yards of an inhabited dwelling without first obtaining permission from the owner or tenant. Permits the discharge of firearms at a licensed shooting range regardless of the distance from inhabited residences. Preempts a home rule unit located in the counties of Cook, Lake, Will, and DuPage from regulating the discharge of firearms in a manner inconsistent with these provisions.

Folks, that bill is going nowhere.  It doesn’t even have any co-sponsors as of this morning, despite being introduced almost two weeks ago.  It’s been sent to the Rules Committee, which is the place where bills go to die a quiet death.  Resurrection is always a possibility, of course.

Todd has indicated that in he’s spoken to the sponsor of the bill and its genesis was in incident where a couple of careless bone-heads shooting at an inadequate backstop and had a couple of their carelessly launched 7.62×51 rounds end up in a child’s bedroom downrange.  The gents involved should face the law for their reckless conduct, and potentially a civil sanction as well.

What else is happening?   Not a lot prior to the upcoming Illinois Primary on March 15th.

The deadline for new bills is upon us, but it really doesn’t matter.  There are plenty of shell bills that can be used to get through any legislation we want to put together for passage.

What is ICHV and their merry band of friends up to?

Well, from the event held last Monday, they’ve got three main areas they are pushing this year.  All three are seeking nibbles, since they recognize they don’t have the votes to go for anything significant here in Illinois.  They are desperate for a “win”.  The last “win” they had was the “mandate” that private gun transfers be called in to the Illinois State Police.  We put “win” in quotation marks because the legislation that finally passed specifically stated that failure to comply was not even a non-criminal violation.

1.  Their “Lethal Violence Order of Protection Act” HB-3160.  This provides that your Second Amendment rights can be temporarily stripped for one year in an ex-parte court proceeding (meaning you don’t have to be present) because someone feels you’re a danger to yourself, or others.  It’s another one of these “feel good” measures that pretty much duplicates existing laws, but sounds like “work” for those donors who are paying these anti-gun hacks to promote gun control.   This is the bill where we will need our members and gun owner friends to contact their General Assembly members to oppose this bill, and also the House Judiciary Committee before it goes to committee.

The good news is, as we get closer, we’ll discuss some talking points about this badly-flawed legislation that would doom its implementation even if it was passed in a bloody floor fight and signed by the governor.

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Lethal Violence Order of Protection Act. Provides that a petitioner may request an emergency lethal violence order of protection by filing an affidavit or verified pleading alleging that the respondent poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having in his or her custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm. Provides that the petition shall also describe the type, and location of any firearm or firearms presently believed by the petitioner to be possessed or controlled by the respondent. Provides that the petitioner may be a family member of the respondent or a law enforcement officer, who files a petition alleging that the respondent poses a danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having in his or her custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm. Establishes factors that the court must consider before issuing a lethal violence order of protection. Provides for the issuance of ex parte orders and one year orders. Provides that if the court issues the order the respondent must: (1) refrain from having in his or her custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving additional firearms for the duration of the order; and (2) turn over to the local law enforcement agency any firearm, Firearm Owner’s Identification Card, or concealed carry license in his or her possession. Establishes factors for renewing and terminating lethal violence orders of protection. Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act and the Firearm Concealed Carry Act to make conforming changes.


2.  Dealer licensing.   The ICHV crew likes to say the federal government doesn’t have the resources to go after federally licensed gun dealers who are breaking the law.  They like to say, “we’ll have state and local monitoring” of gun dealers with a state-licensing scheme.  Why nobody has raised their hand to say Illinois is in even worse fiscal shape than the federal government is beyond me.  The feds can print money.  Illinois can’t.  Good luck on this one.  Again, they have to SOUND like they are going to do something to keep those grants and funding coming to pay the bills.


3.  Universal Background Checks.  Yeah, we’ve heard that scam plenty.  They want to beef up the penalties in Illinois.  I mentioned earlier that Illinois has such a law but non-compliance is not a crime, or even a non-criminal offense.  Again, they have to SOUND like they are going to do something to keep those grants and funding coming to pay the bills.


In Summary.

In short, we’re in good shape.  Stay alert though.  Our primary focus is going to be pressuring downstate Democrat Senators to pressure Senate President John Cullerton into letting our bills get out of committee in the Senate.  There’s going to be a lot of unhappy downstate Democrats if Cullerton doesn’t do so this year.  We’re tired of playing nice with Cullerton and you should be too.

And make sure you vote on or before (via early voting) the Illinois Primary on March 15th.


21 thoughts on “IL LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Keep calm and carry on.”
  1. Thanks, John. And thanks to Todd Vandermyde.

    I’m so pleased you two are on our side.

    I know where Pearson’s at, and it isn’t the General Assembly. I got ANOTHER fundraising mailing from ISRA late last week. It’s about the fifth or sixth on this year it seems like.


    1. Vote for a winner. Vote for Trump.

      Sorry KK.

      Too many of us in America are tired of establishment politicians beholden to others. If you’re trying to “out-conservative” the others, you’re doomed to failure. Only a third of America, or maybe 40% are true, hard-core conservatives. 40% don’t win elections.


    2. Sam, I usually agree with most everything you say except for this. Trump is all hat and no cattle. Cruz is far more conservative than Trump who has spent his life up until last July as a liberal Democrat. I’m not going to trade shots over this, I’m just pointing at the truth as far as I’m concerned.

    3. If you think that Cruz is an establishment Republican, that’s where you’re mistaken. How many of the usual establishment types have said anything positive about him? I can’t think of a one. What does that tell you?
      He is the one who has been in the forefront to filibuster, trying to do something to stop all of the crap that is going on in DC. Not very successful because too many of the establishment types don’t support him. 40% don’t win elections? Tell that to Ronald Reagan, responsible for two of the largest landslides in history.

      What has Trump done in the past that supports what most GSL members believe in? I can’t think of anything. What I can think of is all of his support for Democraps and Rinos.

      Is that really who you want appointing SCOTUS justices? Doesn’t the situation with Scalia’s death make you think?

    4. That implies that Trump could win the general election. What is it about him that makes you think that? Two thirds of the voters in SC voted for someone else. If it were one on one between Cruz and Trump, Cruz would likely beat him handily. Because the non-Trump vote gets divided up by five others, Trump manages to win.
      If Trump got the nomination, we could have a repeat of 2012, where millions of Republicans stayed home and did not vote.

  2. has anyone addressed the mess up of the ISRA people messing up and getting the wording changed in a bill that would allow rifle deer hunting in this state….or did I read that wrong?

  3. I like to see decent analysis (perhaps by GSL people) of Illinois candidates’ 2nd amendment stance and actual voting history. Nice if we can have it in time for early voting in the primary.

    We hear lots of rumors, but for state-wide elections, it’s hard to separate the rhetoric from the facts. Especially for non-political people.

    1. Me too, although I know my candidates and what they stand for, I’d like to know about the rest of the state.

    2. Check out NRA-ILA’s candidate ratings when they come out. Those are done primarily by Todd.

      Look for some downstate Democrats who won’t work to break Cullerton’s logjam on bills to find themselves with lower rates and/or no endorsement this year.

      Gary Forby, are you listening? He’s but one of several.


  4. James Marter is opposing Mark Kirk in the primary for US Senate. I urge everyone to support and vote for Mr. Marter. Mark Kirk has stabbed us in the back numerous times by voting with the anti-gun Democrats on every piece of anti-gun legislation. If Kirk wins the primary Duckworth will beat him in the general. James Marter is a strong conservative and pro Second Amendment something we need in Washington.

    1. Kirk gets a whopping 19% from Conservative review!

      Let’s not forget Shimkus. He has a huge 39%! His commercials are laughable. He’s been in DC for twenty years, and he tries to portray his opponent as part of the establishment. He calls himself the conservative voice in Washington. Funny though, it seems the only time I really hear about him is at election time.

    2. Il State Senator Kyle McCarter is running in the Republican primary against Shimkus. He was at the GSL meeting in Charleston and made a good impression.

  5. I hope we don’t get anymore stupid gun control laws on the books in Illinois. In my opinion we have too many now.

    The largest group of voters in Illinois is gun owners.

    Our problem is that gun owners don’t always support their rights.

    We somehow need to awaken gun owners to an understanding of Liberty like the Founding Fathers.

  6. The difference between “appearing” to be influential and being influential is a very fine line, so we must not become too comfortable in numbers alone that could change after this next election. Not to mention that interpretation of vaguely worded laws is also a slippery slope.

  7. Yea I justvheard Kirk on t v that. Oblammo. Has the right to name the supreme. Court replacement. He’s. Right in there with the domocrapes …

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