AFP photo.

The Ferguson Effect:  Where rank and file police officers take  hands-off approach to policing because they aren’t supported by their employers, and where they face risk of federal government investigations for merely doing their jobs.

It’s in full effect in Baltimore, where the local Democrat mayor threw the entire police department under the bus AND the local Democrat prosecutor charged six cops with serious felonies when an life-long criminal prisoner they were transporting fatally injured himself riding in a paddy wagon to jail following arrest.

The result of said politically-expedient actions by Democrat city leaders?

The Ferguson Effect.

And the ensuing lawlessness that led to 344 intentional homicides in Baltimore in 2015, setting a new (per capita) record for homicides in a year.

In a city with less than 644,000 inhabitants (and fewer each day as productive citizens who can afford it are emigrating from that city), that works out to 54.3 per 100,000 using my non-Common Core math skills.

Which, if Baltimore were a country, would rank it #2 in the world in intentional homicide rates, bested ONLY by Honduras at 90/100,000.  Yes, Baltimore is a more dangerous place than the socialist cesspool of Venezuela.  (Yes, it’s the same socialism that Bernie Sanders would like to bring to America.)

Now, for the trolls who say, “It’s the proliferation of guns!”, consider this:  In Florida, roughly one in five adults has a license to carry.  Second only to Texas, Kentucky and possibly a few states out west, almost everyone in Florida has a gun, yet Florida enjoys the lowest firearm violent crime rate in history.

If only Baltimore were so safe.

3 thoughts on “FERGUSON EFFECT: Baltimore sets new record for homicides, rate higher than Venezuela!”
  1. You should compare the numbers on conceal carry permits for 2014/2015. Some are from other states, even with FOID cards.

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