Photo via pinterest.
Wounded animals are dangerous.

More bad news for those who oppose freedom and liberty when it comes to guns as 2015 winds down.  Of course, this got very little air play in the mainstream media.

Support For A ‘Scary Guns’ Ban Hits An All-Time Low

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll found that support for [a scary guns] ban is dropping. Fifty-three percent of Americans who were surveyed say they oppose such a ban, the highest amount of opposition to the ban ever recorded. Only 45 percent thought banning [scary guns] was a good idea—a significant drop from the 56 percent who supported it in 2013 and 80 percent who supported it in 1994.

The poll also found that most Americans—77 percent of those surveyed—don’t think the government can successfully thwart lone-wolf terrorist attacks. In fact, only 22 percent said they were confident that the government could stop a lone-wolf attack, while 43 percent thought the government could stop a larger-scale attack.

Miguel over at Gun Free Zone posts an excellent piece this morning analyzing where we are at in the gun rights world and where we are headed for 2016.  He’s generally exceptional at his analysis and I concur with almost everything.  That which I would add is something I won’t put into print, but our members know about it from discussions at our meetings.  Miguel may feel the same way and decline to publicize it as well at this time.  No sense in telling our enemies where we believe our weakest armor lies.

Here’s his piece with my thoughts in italics.

The beast is wounded… what’s coming in 2016?

Yes, wounded animals – including people – do irrational, desperate things.  And have no doubt, the big gun control peeps are hurting, as evidenced by the story above.

(Gun Free Zone) – Not going to do 2015 in review. If you follow the blog, you are up to speed and I figure there will be more than one blog out there that will do an excellent job. No sense in wasting time.

What do I see coming? Our different Opposition groups will try consolidate into one solid block and probably fail as too many egos are involved. They are doing test runs now sharing some of the same messages in Social Media and I expect that will increase, but there is only so much space inside the rubber room to be shared with so many egomaniacs. Ladd and Bloomberg hugging and smiling? only for the cameras. Shannon Watts will continue to do her role as dutiful P.R. Nebenfrau of Everytown/Moms Demand rather than the queen she was a couple of years ago. MDA seemed to lost traction at the second half of the year.

This same thing happens on the pro-gun side too often, including here in Illinois.  Yes, a couple of folks have worked to ostracize Guns Save Life at every turn with half-truths, innuendo and selective recollection of past events.  It’s a shame, really.  If those people devoted the time they spend going after us towards gun rights, gun owners would be better off in Illinois.

The difference between an issue among volunteer gun rights activists and the highly-paid, high-stakes realm at the top of big gun control is profound though. 

The Old Media is due for a shake up. Even though we saw an amazing level of BS and vitriol coming out on the second half of the year, it is interesting to notice that pro Second Amendment articles and Op Eds were also being published. It is still far from equal time/space, but having seen articles criticizing the wisdom of Gun Free Zones and challenging the tactics of moving goalposts (Mass Shootings as example) means that at least some outlets are figuring out that their consumers are not lock-stepping with the old “conventional wisdom.”

Indeed.   The old media will continue to take a beating from declining circulation/viewership/advertising sales.  Americans see what’s going on, and more and more non-gun owners are deciding that they would rather have a gun to defend themselves and their families than continue to rely on others to protect them. 

Everyday Americans have noticed a major credibility gap in today’s media and are reacting to it.  Just as people are ditching their land-line telephones with all of the annoying robocalls and solicitation calls, so too are they ditching dead-tree and network news over their obvious bias and credibility issues.

What’s more, these same people are voting with their wallets and buying their first gun(s) and ammunition to feed them.   That’s a whole lot more significant of an investment in beliefs than clicking “like” or firing off a one-liner attacking gun owners for “compensating for a small penis” on some silly Facebook page.  By the way, the biggest demographic of new gun owners is women.  Do those moonbat zealots believe the lady gun buyers are compensating for a small penis too?

At the Federal level, congress shouldn’t be an issue, but I have my doubts now with Speaker Paul Ryan. President Obama’s last year will be dedicated to his legacy and he will not waste political ammo on something he can’t win. If immigration and Obamacare still remain in the front burners, other than some executive orders to make nuisance of himself will be all that can be accomplished.

I too wouldn’t trust Paul Ryan any further than I could hip-toss him, but when they feel the heat, they see the light.  Paul Ryan’s likely going to face a stiff primary challenge.  He’s not likely to do too many more really stupid acts, at least until after the Wisconsin primary is over.  What’s more, he’s got a whole lot of conservative Republicans and rural Democrats who do not support gun control in the US House.  A supermajority, in fact.  Nothing’s getting through the House.  Or the US Senate, for that matter.

At state level we just saw what happened in Virginia with Reciprocity, expect a couple of more states trying the same and maybe one doing it. This could backfire gravely for the Opposition if it leads to a clean bill of National Reciprocity. I would like to see more Acceptance than Reciprocity from the States: If you have a CWP, you are golden in my state and it does not matter that your home state does not return the favor. But the idea that Bloomberg would anally emanate fire-hardened clay cuboids at the thought that rednecks from Texas and weirdos from Florida would be walking the streets of Manhattan packing  guns is too good to pass.


Don’t ask me about the courts. I think we are in a moment where some judges refuse to apply both Heller and McDonald simply because they can gum up the works and SCOTUS is giving the image that they are done with Second Amendment Issue for a while.

Indeed.  However, more than a few state supreme courts, such as Illinois, don’t have that aversion and have authored some good decisions for us.

Unfortunately, I also see a coming year where unrest (civil and otherwise) will be prominent due to the drop of Law Enforcement getting hands-on crime. Nowadays is called the Ferguson Effect although a former LEO referred it as he knew it back in his patrolling days F.I.D.O. (F**k It, Drive On). Some cities already have felt the spike in crime and simply put, cops will not risk their lives or careers if every time some thugh starts screaming “police brutality!” a mob comes out herded by a bunch of lawyers and politicians to seek the heads of men in blue.  Remember, police has no duty to protect, it is up to you to be the First Responder.

This will lead to more violence, particularly black-on-black, as we’ve seen in the past year or so.  For the most part, the gun control movement doesn’t dance in the blood of dead inner-city blacks.  I suspect it’s because the death of criminals (as is so often the case with shooting victims in Chicago), at the hands of criminals, doesn’t really work well at advancing their cause.  If anything, it’s prodding non-gun owners to reconsider their vulnerability to this sort of violent crime.

The year will begin badly for the Gun Control crowd. As of now, Texas is officially Open Carry and there is a good chance that Florida will follow suit before too long. It is also an election year and politicians in the chopping block will soon start paying attention to the races. That means two things are at play: Who can deliver cash and who can deliver votes. One thing is for sure: we cannot afford to be silent. Be a nag to your representatives, contact them, leave messages, let them know how you feel and specially how you are your circle will vote.

Indeed.  It’s up to us, our grassroots activism, to trump (no pun intended) Bloomberg’s $50 million annual financing of the Everytown for Gun Control juggernaut.

And one last thing: The discourse from the Opposition will become even more nasty. Expect to be called everything in the book including Child Molester. Do not reply in kind. Be smart about it, don’t be baited into responses that can be misused. The more you keep your wits, the more they will become incensed and say all kinds of idiotic things we can use against them. …

Gee, sound familiar?  From our post about a home invader who was shot dead.  WARNING- Language:

Chase Dinero on December 29, 2015 at 7:56 pm

Ok one thing i hate to do is stoop down to anothers level but obviously this fool dont get it … bottom line LIKE I SAID fool ass nigga I DONT condone burglarizing but check this ill give you my address and well talk face to face … on the contrary FOOL ASS NIGGAS get offended when the truth is spoken … i dont care if the “white horse” been beat to death or served for lunch when wrong is done WRONG is done fuck boy its WRONG i dont wish death on nobody but you reap what you sow … god called his name (regardless if he went to heaven or hell stupid nigga) he was called HOME wherewver that may be … dont think you gettin kudos for that bullshit cause let a WHITE man rape my daughter imma do his fool ass the same way (since that what yall known for) i stay in one of the most violent cities in america and more than half of our CHILD MOLESTERS are WHITE maybe yall should fit the criteria and every time you see a black mother she hold her child tight away from whites “blue eyed devil” aint come out mid air YOUR dumb ass race kept blacks uneducated and through the crack of time thats why ALOT of blacks are ignorant … from YALL ancestors dumb ass fool so stop trying to be smart and think about what the fuck you posting … yeah he shouldnt have done what he did i dislike ALL theives no matter the race but dont jump the bandwagon and try to be somethin you not cause if i knew you as a neighbor i bet you wouldnt say OVER HALF of the shit you talkin … boy this internet a fuckin joke fuck you and whoever dont like it bitch ass nigga yall funny lol WHITES REIGN SUPERIOR LETS BOW DOWN!!! sike … lol and yo mama a thot and love black wang fool … fire up that weed i need a puff these niggas trippin

 Back to Miguel’s piece.

Expect the Opposition to SWAT you. I wish I could say that people like CSGV have reconsidered their attitudes, but frankly I think we are going to see an increase in SAWTting cases. CSGV in particular has been invaded by the Social Justice Warriors and they hate you and cops; getting both sides to shoot and kill each other is the perfect Birthday/Easter/Christmas gift. Texas, you are going to be a particular target for at least the first three months.

I am done playing Carnac the Magnificent. Enjoy the new Year.

Well done, sir.

9 thoughts on “ANALYSIS FOR 2016: A look into the changing landscape of gun rights”
  1. There are 2 bills in Illinois that call for confiscation HB4359 and HB0855. There is a reason the elite anti-American pigs want our guns; its the coming collapse.
    The size of possible defaults in the financial sector is almost 100 times what they were in 2008. Back in 2008 millions of people lost their jobs and homes. This time around I don’t even want to think about the outcome its ALL bad.

    John once had an article on preparing. I strongly suggest we all re-read that article and do some hard core prepping.

    1. I’m not trying to be disagreeable but those 2 bills and others can become law.

      They can become law during a period of great social unrest when the pressure to do something to stop the violence will be so great politicians will capitulate and pass gun control.

      This is how the 68GCA and FOID card became law. Race Riots in 1965 and the fear of more violence was so great the NRA and ISRA capitulated and not only supported gun control laws but helped write them.

      The point I keep trying to make is a collapse so great that our leaders will pass sweeping gun control to stop the unrest is a very high probability.

    2. You are right. These bills could become law. We need to stay vigilant and engaged.

      What happened in CT when they passed a law requiring gun registration?

    3. Hey Bill 1….just to correct you on the current gun bills still in committee in Illinois…..HB0855 is HR0855….that’s all….carry on

  2. The anti-self defense left has been soft peddling sensible gun control for years.Now they have finally come out of the closet for their real objective,gun confiscation.They know if they can’t make it happen in the last 12 months of the islamomarxist obamaite daesh regime they’ve lost.

  3. Confiscation will never happen, IMHO. There are not enough in our Military who follow such an order, the Police won’t do it out of fear, who does that leave? The buttercups at the anti gun websites who have serious sexual and mommy issues? ( I read their sites, Freud would be amazed and Goebbels would be proud )

  4. They’ve just announced. Obama. Is going to announce new gun control laws probably with executive order …. Are we gonna have a boating accident ???

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