Tax and spend Democrats in Cook County raised taxes in that populous Illinois county enough to increase the budget by 11.3% – and Board President Toni Preckwickle says more tax hikes are on deck for next year to continue growing the big city, Democrat government.

Hopefully they’ve allotted some money to defend the lawsuit that will surely be filed against the new AMMO TAX.  One cent per round for rimfire, and five cents per round for centerfire.  That’s as much as a 25-33% increase in the cost of some ammunition in Cook County, effective immediately.  Can you say “Poll Tax”?

Yes, Cook County now has a 10.25% sales tax, a higher hotel tax and new smoking-related taxes and other taxes.

Will Cook County residents ever tire of this and quit re-electing these big government, tax and spend liberal Democrats?


(Chicago Tribune) – Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle‘s $4.5 billion budget won approval Wednesday, and people who shop, stay in hotels and file lawsuits will be paying more next year.

Overall county spending is expected to increase by about $500 million under a budget commissioners approved 12-5. The spending plan depends on a penny-on-the-dollar sales tax increase, a new 1 percent tax on hotels and $20 in additional fees for each lawsuit filed.

Preckwinkle’s budget also includes a 20-cents-per-milliliter tax on the liquids that fuel electronic cigarettes and a bullet tax that ranges from 1 cent to 5 cents per round, depending on the type of ammunition.

All told, the tax hikes are expected to bring in nearly $512 million a year, with the bulk of that — $474 million — coming from the sales tax increase. Come Jan. 1, Chicago once again will have a sales tax rate of 10.25 percent, the highest among big U.S. cities.

After the vote, Preckwinkle told commissioners she knew “it was a difficult process for all of you,” then issued a warning.

“We have, I must say, tough budgets ahead of us, and as someone pointed out earlier, we’re going to have to begin next week in planning for the budget for 2017, which will be similarly challenging,” said Preckwinkle, who has not ruled out future tax hikes.

10 thoughts on “CHICAGO TAX AND SPEND DEMOCRATS: $512M in new taxes, including AMMO TAX, more on deck for next year”
  1. Don’t spend any money in Cook County. She can tax all of the money that I will spend in Cook County a 100%. Zero spent zero tax!!!!!!!!!!

  2. While the open border democrats want to raise taxes and take away our guns rights; I just read, the victims at the concert in France were gutted by the Muslims.

    That’s right the Muslims gutted their disarmed victims in the concert hall!

    1. Makes you want to turn your guns into the local police, doesn’t it?

      I mean, it’s not everyday you can get your stomach cut open by some goat-humping, boy-molesting savage.


  3. I wonder if she will make sure the “black and brown” people, who she feels are over incarcerated, have properly paid their ammo tax after they have been caught committing the murders, robberies, shootings, and other weapons violations. I mean this tax is designed to halt vun violence, right? Because these shitheads always buy their ammo legally. Guns aren’t the problem, politicians are.

  4. Ask me again why I don’t go there. Yet, they are still pulling money out of our pockets by way of the state budget and our income tax.

    I’d like to see some Republican controlled states take their cue from these idiots, and impose a hefty tax on every abortion performed. $1000 would be a nice round figure. It would help put a halt to that violence, right?

  5. After the city loses the lawsuit, I hope the ammo sellers in Chitcago then bring another suit for reimbursement of lost sales.

  6. She would raise more money on a tax on illegitimate children.

    And think of all the money she could raise with a tax on criminals!

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