That 9-year-old boy killed by gang members in a dark alley in Chicago has brought at lot of attention to Murder City USA and its violence problem.

What hasn’t brought so much attention is the backstory.

His mom put up a “Go Fund Me” page to raise money for the boy’s funeral expenses.  Here’s the picture she used:

Photo via Go Fund Me.

Here’s another photo of his mom from her Facebook page from a few weeks ago.

MOM of the year

Well, that’s the picture, with some additional text added on the bottom.

That picture isn’t the only reason she’s making the news.  She used the money raised to buy a new car – before the funeral:

( Karla Lee is under fire after the grieving mother of murdered 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee apparently took money donated to help lay the boy to rest and instead used it to buy a new car.

Tyshawn Lee was slain this week in a murder that has shocked the nation. Investigators say the fourth grader was lured into an alley near his grandmother’s house in Chicago and executed by gang members, who are reportedly rivals with the boy’s father.

The seemingly senseless murder led many people to reach out to the Lee family, and a GoFundMe page was started to help pay for his funeral.

But instead, Tyshawn’s mother, Karla Lee, reportedly used some or all of the $17,000 raised to buy herself a new car, DNAinfo reported. This sparked anger among many who believe she was misusing the money, and many left comments on the fundraiser page calling out the grieving mother.

The kid’s father?

Photo via
Pierre Stokes.

Police added that they believe the father, Pierre Stokes, has been part of the escalating gang war that led to Tyshawn Lee’s death. Stokes has been identified as a member of a gang, one that has split apart into two warring factions. There have been a number of assaults related to the gang squabble, police said.

Despite his alleged involvement in the gang, Pierre Stokes is not helping investigators find his son’s killer, police said.

“Let me put it this way. We’ve tried to interview him at least twice,” said Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. “I can’t even tell you what he said because you can’t say it on TV. But he made it emphatically clear that he’s not cooperating with us.”

And lastly, we leave you with a photo purported to be young Tyshawn Lee.



11 thoughts on “MURDER CITY USA: America appalled over Tyshawn Lee murder”
  1. We’ve got 10, 11, and 12-year-olds taking shots at other people here in Chicago. While I doubt the authenticity of that photo of Tyshawn, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was real.

    You’ve got a hood rat woman, “bad ass mistress”, hooking up with a gang-banger thug and having a kid at what, 13 or 14-years-old? I’m gonna guess that pregnancy took her off her ivy league college track and left her in the projects of Chicago, barely literate and wholly invested in the “hood life” or “thug life” or whatever they call it.

    Now, daddy’s selling t-shirts with his dead son’s likeness, mom’s raking in the dough from an internet fundraiser and the kid is still just as dead as dead can be. But frankly, like his daddy, Tyshawn was pretty much doomed to be a homicide victim or incarcerated for most of his adult life thanks to the culture he was born into and taught.

    I hope some of the well-meaning idiots who donated to that boy’s funeral expenses learned a valuable lesson: A fool and his money are soon parted.

  2. Rich and vibrant culture on display.

    Damn shame so many embrace that effed up “gangsta” lifestyle.

    Paid for by our tax dollars.

  3. My first thoughts are the mother killed the child to get back at the father.

    Guys if some SOB murdered my child I would be looking for the MF***ers. But in this case we have a man that doesnt give a s**t!

    AM I all wet here?

    The more I learn about this case the more it stinks

  4. Years ago, and today in some areas, people who knew the family would give money, or whatever was needed, if no one gave there was probably a reason. Worthless people who didn’t care enough to keep there children safe, people who knew them, family and neighbors, if they wouldn’t give to bury the child, there was probably a reason. A funeral can be expensive, but not THAT expensive. THIS is the price for the nanny state. Dead children and worthless selfish people. This is LBJ’s “Great Society”. Enjoy America.

    1. Your right it started with LBJ, a gun grabbing democrat that took our right to buy guns through the mail away because he could.

      Ever read the Kearner Report? Thats another piece of nonsense we got from LBJ

  5. Bottom picture is a different kid than the one in the top picture.. I don’t know if the kid was a bad seed or not, but judging from the parents, he didn’t have much of a chance in life.

    The egg donor and sperm donor (I wouldn’t call them “parents”) are human trash… I’m guessing one or both will end up as statistics on eventually. Good Riddance.

    1. it’s not a “race” thing… the “black culture” in this country has gotten so screwed up because of 70 years of Democrats convincing them that they’re victims and need to be taken care of by the government. The ones that escape the cycle of victim thinking are the ones who become productive members of society and make themselves into positive role models: Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Tim Scott, Condoleeza Rice, etc…

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