
Sanders stresses gun control during Colorado visit, says he favors a ban on (scary guns)

(US News)  …”Instead of people yelling at each other, we have got to come together on commonsense approaches which, in fact, the vast majority of the American people support,” said Sanders, who represents a rural state with few gun laws. He added that there is “widespread support to ban semi-automatic assault weapons, guns which have no other purpose but to kill people.”



5 thoughts on “FEEL THE BERN – Communist Bernie Sanders: Ban all semi-autos.”
  1. Bernie obviously hasn’t thought of trappers or subsistence hunters who NEED a gun that can deliver several shots in rapid succession. These men and women routinely can encounter dangerous game: black bear, moose, wolverines and wolves. The cycling times of bolt and lever action guns is simply too slow in life or death situations. Watch any of the shows on TV about wild Alaska or life in the Rocky Mountains. Many of the folks living there prefer AR style rifles in 7.62 mm.

  2. Bernie would never have gotten his crazy self elected in Vermont if he’d come out in support of a ban on semi-autos.

    Bernie Sanders will go as far left as his constituency will allow… because he’s ultimately a communist.

    Right now, his constituency is pretty far left… and as long as he promises FREE stuff – specifically a college education – to the young people, they’ll continue to ignore the rest of the stupid stuff he says.


  3. Just what does Burnie think the Second Amendment is all about I wonder? ……. hunting, well now let me take the time to school Mr. Sanders here………. The Second Amendment is there to ensure that We the People will always have at our disposal to tools nessary to defend against tyranny and oppression. As the state is the only group that can force that on We the People at a national level so when you boil it all down the Second Amendment is simply about shooting tyrants in the face and we need semi-auto weapons for such an endeavor.

  4. Communists have no other purpose than to control (or kill) people.

    Bernie, if you want my scary gun, come take it yourself. I guarantee you’ll feel the burn.

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