Photo via Stars and Stripes

God bless Lt. Commander Tim White, who fired back on the Chattanooga Muslim terrorist a couple of weeks ago.

Police haven’t released the autopsy reports to say whose bullets killed the Muslim terrorist, who many believe was committing the attack to atone for his life of drug and alcohol abuse.  The joke was on the terrorist when he didn’t find those 72 virgins as he drifted off to sleep for the last time, suffering agonizing pain from those gunshot wounds.

The fact that the autopsy report hasn’t been released leads me to believe it was Lt. Commander White’s shots that killed the scumbag or contributed to his death.  That wouldn’t fit the Obama narrative that we should keep our Armed Forces “unarmed” and unable to defend themselves on American soil.

Initially, the government was planning to charge White for violating the unconscionable prohibition on self-defense for our Armed Services members.  White ignored those prominent signs on recruiting stations advising folks – in stern words – that they will surely go to hell if they ignore the arbitrary ban on self-defense tools there.

Public outrage caused the Pentagon to reconsider, at least for the time being.

Of course. Lt. Commander White’s career is effectively over.  But at least he’s around to enjoy the rest of his life with his family, and so are plenty of others that he saved.

Source: No charges against Navy officer for weapons violations in Chattanooga attack

WASHINGTON (Stars and Stripes) — Lt. Cmdr. Tim White, the Navy officer who fired a sidearm in defense during the attack on Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga, Tenn., will not face charges, an official familiar with the investigation told Stars and Stripes on Wednesday.

White was reported to be one of two servicemembers carrying sidearms at the time of the attack, which could have led to charges. The Department of Defense prohibits all military personnel other than security forces from carrying arms while on base unless they are in a combat zone.

The Navy is still investigating the shooting, where a lone gunman attacked two separate military facilities. The shootings resulted in the deaths of four Marines and one sailor.

After reports that White would be charged spurred a national backlash, the Navy countered last week. “At this time we can confirm no service member has been charged with an offense,” the Navy said in a statement.


3 thoughts on “COMMON SENSE WINS, FOR NOW: Navy won’t charge officer who shot back at Chattanooga Muslim attacker”
  1. I’m not buying the “no charges have been filed” until I hear “no charges will ever be filed” from the Navy brass. (Some blackshoe speaking on the down low does not mean Lt. Commander White will never be charged.)

    UPDATE: As far as the terrorist not finding those 72 virgins as he went to sleep for the last time… Scuttlebutt around the cemetery advises that the terrorist’s screams heard from the netherworld shortly after neing shot were on this wise, “NO! It’s not possible! Theyt told me all the virgins would be women! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  2. From article …”The Department of Defense prohibits all military personnel other than security forces from carrying arms while on base unless they are in a combat zone.” …unfortunately, the incident in Chattanooga (Fort Hood, etc.) is evidence that recuiting centers and support centers are in fact “combat zones” as the lunitics, muslim sympathizers, and anyone with criminal intent attack them. Station security forces or arm those in these places!

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