Photo by KIRO tv

KIRO has a great report of a 70-year-old homeowner who used his 9mm pistola to shoot a man in his fifties Sunday afternoon in King County, Washington.  The recipient of the hot lead (three hits of five shots fired) had broken into the home and was pummeling the homeowner’s 65-year-old room-mate, allegedly over some dispute or another.

Cops caught up with the attacker fifteen minutes later when he called 911 to report that he’d been shot.

Just a coincidence, of course.

The amberlamps took the criminal actor to the hospital.

The victims of the home invasion made the identification and Mr. Freshly Perforated will face charges upon doctors releasing him from their care.

Thank heavens the homeowner had a gun.

If he hadn’t had an equalizer, he would have been left using stern words to convince the violent thug to cease his unlawful attack.

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