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The Sun-Times continues to dive into the toilet bowl with their latest editorial about gun control.  Haven’t they learned their lesson yet?


Editorial: Treading water on Illinois gun culture isn’t good enough

(Chicago Sun-Times Editorial) – The sky has not fallen.

Two years ago, this page opposed a law allowing Illinois citizens to carry hidden weapons. We still do. But early evidence after a court-imposed bill became law suggests that the gun landscape here has not changed for the worse.

It’s tough to admit you’re wrong.  In the face of overwhelming evidence, both scientific and empirical, the Sun-Times continues to oppose a constitutional right.  Gosh, were they equally opposed to desegregating schools last century, or women’s suffrage or the abolition of slavery before that?

Our state and nation’s excessive gun culture can ill afford to grow worse.

Our excessive gun culture an ill-afford to grow worse?  What they heck does that mean?

Supporters of concealed-carry laws essentially believe in an armed nation, but we can’t agree. A peaceful society is built on a strong social contract, not on a fear of getting shot.

An armed society is a polite society.  A polite society is a peaceful society.  And the only thing that stops a bad guy with evil in his heart is a good guy with a gun – not a good guy with a sternly pointed finger.

This is what you find in most churches — a culture of peace, not an arms race — and one of the many reasons the recent Charleston church massacre was so shocking. The answer to a church shooting, it seems obvious to us, is not for worshippers to start strapping on guns.

Maybe “shallow” at the Sun-Times extends to more than the water in their toilets?

When a church plays by the rules of a Wild West saloon, it is no longer a church. The answer is to spread the peaceful culture of a church into society as a whole.

The “Wild West” was orders of magnitude safer than modern day Chicago.  For blacks aged 15-29, Chicago should be considered a very unsafe place to live, work or go to school.

How do to do it?

On the federal level, it begins with mandating universal background checks. Now only licensed gun dealers must conduct background checks. That should be expanded to all gun sales online and at gun shows.

Online gun sales must go through a federally licensed gun dealer.  Guess what?  They must conduct background checks.  Furthermore, all gun sales at gun shows in Illinois must also submit to background checks.

Why are gun control supporters such control freaks?

On the state and municipal level, it begins with forcing irresponsible gun shops to change their ways or close shop. This is highly doable. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence estimates that just 5 percent of gun dealers supply 90 percent of guns that end up at crime scenes.

The Brady Campaign “estimates”…   And why should we give credibility to anything the Brady Campaign says?  Gun trace information is sought for a host of reasons.  Just because a gun is traced doesn’t mean it was found at a crime scene.

A lawsuit filed Tuesday against three suburbs gets to the heart of this. The suit against Riverdale, Lyons and Lincolnwood — home to stores that were the source, along with one in Gary, Ind., of nearly 20 percent of Chicago crime guns in recent years — accuses the villages of failing to adequately regulate their gun stores. The suit cites a short list of common-sense regulations that all municipalities and gun shops should adopt to keep legal guns out of the hands of criminals.

Building a peaceful culture requires nothing less.

The Brady Campaign is paying over $100,000 to Lucky Gunner for a similar frivolous lawsuit, filed as a publicity stunt

The judge in that case wrote:  “It is apparent that this case was filed to pursue the political purposes of the Brady Center and, given the failure to present any cognizable legal claim, bringing these defendants into the Colorado court where the prosecution of [Scumbag’s name redacted] was proceeding appears to be more of an opportunity to propagandize the public and stigmatize the defendants than to obtain a court order.”

Who will be footing the bill for reimbursing those cities for their legal defense from this latest frivolous suit that has Brady fingerprints all over it?

It’s no wonder the Sun-Times is teetering on bankruptcy thanks to declining circulation and ad revenue.  Americans aren’t stupid.  They recognize the proven, life-saving benefits of firearm ownership.

And they don’t appreciate being peppered with biased propaganda against their rights.

There’s a reason the Air America radio chain went bankrupt and there’s a reason the Sun-Times is following that same trajectory into the toilet.

4 thoughts on “NO DIVING / SHALLOW MINDS: Sun-Times latest gun control editorial”
  1. Gun News circulation now rivals our local paper, the News Gazette.

    With shrinking circulation, the imbecility of the Sun-Times editorial staff on full display and GSL’s expansion into Chicago, it may not be long before Gun News circulation rivals the Sun-Times.

  2. More sleight of hand, just like the old hucksters of yesteryear would do with people who don’t know any better.

  3. I think we need common-sense legislation requiring universal background checks on all those who claim to be journalists. Every time they choose to print something, we have to investigate it for a waiting period of three days to see if it is actually something that should be printed.
    A history of mental illness would automatically disqualify them from printing anything.
    Given all the damage the media has done to people in the last number of years, this is only common sense, not?

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