Photo via CNN.

The stories have been coming hot and heavy the last few days, as they have been for months now.

LA WOMAN EXECUTED by Shotgun Blast to Back of the Head By Black Man on Hollywood Sidewalk

Breaking: Gun Used By San Francisco Shooting Suspect BELONGED TO FEDERAL AGENT

SHOCK VIDEO: Youths Mock and Laugh at Unconscious and Bloody Victim After July 4th Beatdown…


Illegal Confesses to Murdering Wife with Hammer in Texas — Deported Four Times…

Americans are getting the sense that random violent crime can happen to them, and they want to do something to protect themselves and their families.

They understand that the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun.

Americans have reacted accordingly.  Per CNN:

Gun sales spike in June

Background checks for gun sales spiked 11% in June compared to last year, making it the busiest June ever, according to the FBI’s background check data.

Last month the FBI conducted nearly 1.53 million background checks, which are required for all in-store purchases, but not for sales at gun shows or between individuals. That’s the highest volume of checks in June since 1999, when the FBI started keeping track.

…In fact, May 2015 was also a record month for background checks year-over-year.


4 thoughts on “LESS SCARY IF YOU’RE ARMED: High-profile violence spurring Americans to buy guns…”
  1. I’ll take THAT one!

    Less scary if you’re armed? Well, duh!

    Maybe we need to repeat that for John Q. Public to hear more often!

  2. What is that joke about the old woman pulled over with a bunch of guns?

    As I recall the young trooper asked her what she was afraid of carrying all those guns.

    Her reply: “Nothing, sir.”

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