Photo via Gateway Pundit.


Our condolences go out to the family, friend and co-workers of 27-year veteran Cincinnati Police Officer shot and killed by a suicidal aspiring rap artist thug.

The killer, Trepierre Hummons, posted a “goodbye” message on Facebook before setting out to kill a cop.

Sadly, he was successful and Cincy lost a good man, a father of three and a productive member of the community.

His killer, Trepierre, was also shot dead.  That’s about the only decent news in this entire mess.

This whole thing is just another police life lost to the rhetoric from the Black Grievance Industry agitators who are waging war on our police across America.

A photo of the killer, flashing gang signs about about $260 like he's a badass gangster.  What a pathetic excuse for a human being.  His momma must be so proud of her offspring.
A photo of the killer, flashing gang signs about about $260 like he’s a bad-ass gangster. What a pathetic excuse for a human being. His momma must be so proud of her offspring.


The Cincinnati Enquirer spoke up with a nice editorial today.

“Officer down.”

Those are words that, no matter how calmly delivered, cut through the police scanner chatter and strike at the hearts of everyone listening.

An ordinary, dreary morning was shattered with that police call from Madisonville at about 9:30 a.m. Friday. Rescue squads and police raced to the scene, and Cincinnati Police Officer Sonny Kim was whisked to University Hospital Medical Center, but to no avail.

The Cincinnati Police Department, the Madisonville community and, most important, a family lost a brave man today, shot while responding to a call of a suspect acting erratically with a gun.

Today we remember that police officers risk their lives for us every time they respond to a call, every time they make that split-second decision whether to pull the trigger or not.

But today, in Cincinnati, isn’t about the state of police/community relations nationwide or even the steep increase in gun violence in our community this year. Those are important – necessary – issues for us to deal with, and very soon.

First, however, we mourn. We mourn a man who served us as all a member of the Cincinnati Police Department for 27 years, receiving 22 commendations.

We don’t know a lot about Sonny Kim yet. He was a husband and the father of three, a martial arts instructor, a Madisonville resident.

What we know is that he gave his life protecting ours.

And we mourn him.

I’ll add that it is wrong to mourn that Officer Sonny Kim died.  Rather, we should thank God that such a great man lived.

Yes, those are words similar to General Patton’s.


One thought on “POLICE LIVES MATTER: War on police claims another life”
  1. A great loss of a decent man. Condolences to the officer’s family.

    At least this piece of shit thug didn’t go raping and murdering his way across town like those two bangers in Btimore did. Too bad he didn’t suck his pistol and off himself.

    In the end he was a coward, making someone else kill him.

    What a waste of welfare benefits.

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