
“Honestly, I mostly carry it because my dad wanted me to. Now I’m glad I listened,” Crystal (not pictured above) told WTHR in Indianapolis the day after she was accosted by three muggers on Indianapolis’ west side.

The three perps surely thought she was a pushover as they approached the young woman as she came home at 1am after stopping at the grocery store on the way home from work.  “Shut up, be quiet, don’t say anything!” they said to her as one of them grabbed her.  Another one displayed a weapon.

She let her little friend do her talking, perforating one of the thugs.

Crystal, the victim, shared some great advice in the interview with the TV station:  “Learn how to protect yourself if you don’t know how. Be more aware. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings at all.”


At least she listened to her father.

Indy Metro police arrested 18-year-old Deon Smith as he sought treatment for a gunshot wound to the shoulder shortly after the attack.  He had not (as of the time of the story) given up his accomplices.  He will though.  Give it a little time.


Oleg Volk photo.  Used with permission.

3 thoughts on “SMART: Indianapolis woman carries because her dad wanted her to. See why she’s glad she listened…”
  1. Sadly she only got one of the goblins.. Ill send her a new box of ammo, just let me know the caliber…

  2. They almost certainly took her gun.

    I’m pretty sure her dad has already hooked her up with a replacement gun.

    Nice shootin’!

    Cops probably gave her a medal.

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