Month: December 2014

Great Guns VI Winners!

There was excitement in the air at the Tuesday, December 9th Guns Save Life meeting in Champaign. Not only were we drawing for our monthly "gun" (in this case a Barnett Crossbow), but also for the Great Guns VI guns...  an FN PS90 and a Keltec KSG Shotgun!  And a…

NAESE: The power of face to face

by John Naese Today’s world is connected, or so they say.  The younger you are, the more connected you are.  Everyone’s got a cell phone; most of the people I know have smart phones, which means they are connected to the internet almost all the time. Facebook, Twitter, texting, instant…

HEARTS AND MINDS? Gun haters claim they are winning, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary

  [caption id="attachment_15008" align="alignnone" width="600"] Those opposed to American's gun rights offer up distortions, misrepresentations and creative story-telling that would make Pinocchio's nose grow even faster than if he'd overdosed on Viagra.[/caption] The average American pays precious little attention to the ongoing battle between those who advocate more fully taking…

SYDNEY SEIGE: Don’t negotiate; storm the shop

Horrific jihadi attack in Sydney, Australia right now. Raid the shop and kill the muslim hostage taker. Don't delay.  Don't negotiate. Nothing positive ever happens in negotiating with whack jobs. He wants to meet allah.  Help him before he hurts more people. Too bad nobody in the shop was armed…

Coming soon: HOOAH photos & story

Guns Save Life is proud to be one of the big sponsors for the rapidly growing HOOAH program in Central Illinois.  Healing Outside Of A Hospital is where local people host wounded U.S. servicemen (and likely servicewomen someday as well) for an all-expense paid trip to experience camaraderie and the…