The Sun-Times wrote an opinion piece today claiming it’s God’s work to strip Americans of their God-given civil rights.

We’re not sure how God could see it as His work to debar the free people of America of rights He bestowed upon them when this nation was founded.  Don’t let logic, reason or reality intrude upon their bigoted beliefs.

It starts off sort of like Barack Obama starts off his stock speech on gun control.  You know, “I’m a firm believer in Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, BUT…” and then he goes on to explain how Americans need to surrender their civil rights.  Here it is:

Blase Cupich’s arrival as archbishop presents a historic opportunity to turn Chicago away from its horrific gun violence.

As Cupich officially assumes his duties Tuesday, we urge him to take a leading and visible role in fighting the devastating flow of illegal guns into our city.

Nothing could be more God’s work.

What’s the Sun-Times’ idea of “fighting the devastating flow of illegal guns into our city”?

Why common-sense gun reforms, of course.

We’ve got some common sense gun reforms, but we’re not sure the Sun-Times would like them:  Universal reciprocity, elimination of all locations currenly prohibited to CCWers with the possible exception of courthouses and corrections centers, Constitutional Carry,  allowing full auto firearms, short-barreled shotguns, any any other weapons, elimination of the FOID card, elimination of the waiting period on firearm purchases, and elimination of other roadblocks to law-abiding people arming themselves against predatory violent criminals.

Something else that’s common sense is understanding why the circulation base of the Sun-Times has declined so significantly in the past ten years.

If you want to know the commercial value of liberal ideals, you need look no further than the old Air America Radio Network debacle.


6 thoughts on “DELUSIONAL: Chicago Sun-Times editorial claims it’s God’s work to undo God’s work”
  1. Cancelled my local paper long ago, thanks to being able to have an alternative to their leftward-leaning bias.

    Ditched cable TV as well.

    Starve the beast.


  2. By definition, aren’t “illegal guns” those brought into the city by lawbreakers?

    Here’s an idea: arrest the lawbreakers, and put them in prison.

    The people who steal guns. The felons who buy guns, and anyone who knowingly sells to a felon. The straw purchasers who break federal and state laws by buying guns for felons. Felons in possession of guns.

    Creating more restrictive laws, when the ones already extant are not being enforced, truly is the definition of insanity.

  3. The dimwit writing this garbage in the Slum Times doesn’t have a clue. Shitcago doesn’t have a gun problem, they have a gang and drug dealer problem. the criminal coddling justice system makes it worse.

  4. Chicago is hopeless. Put a fence around It. Anyone who wants to get out needs to pass a test (American citizen, understands the Constitution, willing to be gainfully employed). Take what’s left and donate to Canada.

  5. I take one exception to your article..God didn’t bestow these rights when this nation was founded. This rights pre-exist and transcend any and all nations and institutions. Our founding fathers just were smart enough to take steps to protect these rights, but the rights themselves are bestowed upon humans from birth…they are inherent in all humans, regardless of the nation, government or institutions put in place by an organized society. They were just categorized in writing when our nation was founded…but they exist always, and forever. They are inherent in our being human.

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