What’s it take to put up a new set of Burma-Shave style signs that spread the message of Guns Save Life?

How about:

One willing landowner couple;

One thousand feet of Interstate frontage;

Three dedicated volunteers;

Nine hours;

Two tractors;

Two pickups with two flatbed trailers;

One four wheel drive all terrain Buick Lesabre (OK, I’m kidding about the four wheel drive);

One four wheel drive all-terrain vehicle (I’m serious this time);

One Friday with beautiful weather;

Thousands of Guns Save Life members and supporters whose donations, memberships, and drawing ticket purchases finance the materials and expenses that come with putting up highway-quality signs.

George Irick and David Ashley, the Peoria GSL work crew du jour, strike a pose at the end of a long day of sign construction and planting.

For this new site, the Peoria GSL crew stepped up, securing landowner permission, taking care of the preliminaries, and showing up Friday, May 23 to spend the day making a new set of signs appear, almost as if by magic!

Thanks to George Irick and David Ashley for providing the labor and the right equipment to make the job doable by three people (your intrepid Burma committee chair John Naese was the third man).

No, they didn’t have to do all the digging by hand. The right equipment can make a world of difference.

Thanks also to Jack and Rita Ashley, landowners along I-39, who not only provided permission to use their land, but made it easy and provided a delicious lunch for the work crew.

Jack Ashley, our landowner (88 years young!) came along and offered invaluable advice.

Interstate 39 near Tonica is a busy, busy road.  Lots of traffic all day long.

In the morning, nothing.

By 6 pm that afternoon, the traveling public could read the newly posted message as they went southbound:








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