Don’t hold it against them.

The girls have gotta earn a living somehow.

“Moms” Demand Action,  the group headed up by Shannon Watts (the professional Democrat political operative) have finally and officially publicly prostituted themselves to the Billionaire (former mayor) Michael Bloomberg.

Bob Owens at Bearing Arms sums it up nicely and puts a bow on it:

NC Gun Blog’s Sean Sorrentino notes that Mom’s Demand has now even dropped the pretense of being anything other than “beards” for Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns:

Take one billionaire former New York City mayor with a Napoleon complex, dress him in drag, and what do you get? “Moms” Demand Action for Gunsense in America. We’ve already been told that Moms Demand has “merged” with MAIG.But did you know that they’ve finally announced that they are just a “campaign” of MAIG? Here’s their “donate” page. Look closely at how they describe themselves and where they ask you to send the checks.

Indeed, this is the language that appears on the Moms Demand donation form:

Please note that contributions to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a campaign of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund, are NOT tax-deductible.

If you prefer, checks made out to Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund may be mailed to:
Mayors Against Illegal Guns
909 Third Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Gun control groups have been starved to the point of dying in the United States in recent decades, as they fail to find enough funding to support a radical restriction on the basic human right of self-defense. They’re generally supported by a handful of wealthy left-wing foundations, but have little money, influence, or popular support.

Moms Demand Action seems to be headed the way of the Illinois Coalition Against Handgun Ownership, er, Violence.

Ten years ago, they were riding high, flush with cash from their leftist sponsors.

The money dried up and there was almost zero grassroots support.

As a result, ICHV slashed their internal staff, closed their Springfield office, fired their lobbyist and pretty much went into hibernation.

Let’s hope Moms are the same.

Although, we must admit Shannon Watts is nicer to look at than Thom Mannard.

8 thoughts on “Moms Demand Action admit to prostitution at long last”
  1. John Kass (Tribune) has this Moutza of the Month that he does. The moutza is an ancient Greek insult, pretty funny. Maybe GSL can have one? 🙂 Certainly a deserving candidate here!

  2. The dingbats are rallying the troops for a day in Springfield on April 10th. they have a whopping 8 ( yes eight ) people going.

  3. “Although, we must admit Shannon Watts is nicer to look at than Thom Mannard.” – maybe, but when I consider the vile things that came from her press released in regard to the OCT families in a Dallas parking lot, I find it hard too find much positive about this person.

  4. Pimp Daddy Bloomberg is growing tired of MDA’s failure to attract new clients and will soon look for new horses to fill out his liberal stable with.

  5. All lawful gun owners in NY State, move away, leave the state and especially Blooms city in the hands of the criminals who will care not one whit about the Nanny States prohibition on their tools. Have fun, LEO’s for the sh*t sandwich your billionaire politians have left your ass in.

  6. Well, I see on MDA’s Facebook page, they plan to be in Indianapolis April 26th and 27th. Same weekend as the NRA convention. They decided on this about a month ago. I guess they will be sleeping in their minivans as there is hardly a hotel room left in town.

    Watts will throw down her rolling pin, pull off her cookie apron for the weekend to lead the dozen or so mommies with children in tow holding signs and drawing on sidewalks with chalk. We can then hear about what a success it was and how they showed those NRA bullies who rules the roost.

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