We’ve been getting “concerned” emails of late about rumors of a new gun registration bill in the Illinois House.
It’s true. There is such a bill. Representative Kelly M. Cassidy (D-Moonbatteryland) has introduced House Bill 4715 – a firearm registration bill.
Here’s the summary:
Creates the Firearms Registration Act. Provides that every person in the State must register each firearm he or she owns or possesses in accordance with the Act. Provides that a person shall not purchase or possess ammunition within this State without having first obtained a registration certificate identifying a firearm that is suitable for use with that ammunition, or a receipt demonstrating that the person has applied to register a suitable firearm under the Act and that the application is pending. Provides that the Department of State Police must complete a background check of any person who applies for: (1) a registration certificate for a firearm that was lawfully owned or possessed on the effective date of the Act, was brought into the State by a new resident, or was acquired by operation of law upon the death of the former owner; or (2) a renewal of a registration certificate unless, within 12 months of the date the renewal application is submitted, the applicant passed a background check conducted by the Department in connection with the applicant’s acquisition of another firearm. Provides exceptions. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that it is a Class 2 felony to sell or transfer ownership of a firearm to another person without complying with the registration requirement of the Firearms Registration Act.
Put your concerns in park.
This bill is going no where. It’s drafted by a moonbat legislator with a reputation for drama and hyperbole, not substance.
First off, the sponsor Kelly Cassidy: She’s the same drama queen who broke down crying on the Illinois House floor when Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan didn’t call the gay marriage bill for a vote at the end of the scheduled spring 2013 session.

She got her job originally with an appointment to replace another Democrat who took another public job. In 2012, she and another woman duked it out in the primary race and they spent a disproportionate amount of time discussing gay rights.
Every year, this woman is always good for some far-out legislative proposals. A couple of years ago, she sponsored legislation that would require men sit through a video on the side effects of Viagra before receiving a prescription for the drug. That was her “protest” to some health care restrictions set to impact abortion in Illinois (which, frankly, weren’t viable bills either).
So this year, she’s proposing another hare-brained idea. Don’t waste your time or your blood pressure medication with this woman.
Take anything she says with copious amounts of salt.
Because frankly, she could use some of that Viagra when it comes to curing her impotence in the Illinois House.
Phew! Heard about this Bill last week on Bloomington talk radio (92.9) and was wondering if Bloomberg and his ilk had permeated our state even more than we knew!
Whacko-bird…..they walk among us….and, as we can clearly see, they are trying VERY hard to control our every move…..despicable people!
Thanks, John!
What we need is a bill that requires idiot politicians like this to register, just as a sex offender would. Also, they should be required to wear a GPS collar so that we can track their movements at any given time so that we know if we might be in danger from them.
Maybe NASA start their list “collecting volunteers” – ( progressive term ) for a Mars planet colonization program. Got any names ?
Ahem. Kelly M. Cassidy.
The only problem is she couldn’t reproduce. Or wouldn’t want to procreate, that is.
She could certainly provide leadership in moonbattery.
Nut job!
Glad we don’t got a crazy lady for SC! Our lady govenor tweeted that she “got a new beretta fir Xmas so had to of been good” or st along those lines. Illinois keep ur eye on this woman!
Edit on last word. JFB.
She should move to Granolaville, California and leave the good citizens of Illinois alone.
Boo hiss on her latest lame proposal. Doesn’t she have something more constructive to do?
No she doesn’t. These people don’t have a life.
I just can’t understand why these politicians feel the need to impose their idiot ideas on the people of Illinois. What a waste of taxpayers time and money. They Relentlessly keep trying to go against the constitution and are just opening themselves up for more lawsuits that will end up in the supreme court. Give it a rest. Seriously! The NRA will step in and bring a lawsuit and Chicago loses every time. I am tired of paying taxes to help Chicago politician’s pay court fees. Stop messing with our American rights.