Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns has suffered a 15% drop in membership since the Newtown tragedy, losing 161 members in that time.

The losses stem from both members who felt misled as to the group’s goals to members expelled because of criminal misdeeds.

Meanwhile, the NRA has grown from 3+ million before Newtown to over 5 million today.

From the Washington Examiner:

As it has broadened its attacks on lawmakers and Second Amendment groups like the National Rifle Association, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s aggressive “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” group has experienced a sharp 15-percent drop in mayor-members.

According to a new count, the group’s membership has gone from a high of 1,046 following the shootings at Newtown, Conn.’s Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012 to a low today of 885.

That’s a fast drop of 161 members.

The shrinking membership has been noticed and charted by pro-gun groups and congressional supporters of the Second Amendment as evidence that the public and public officials are losing their appetite for greater gun control.

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