Unfortunately for our little would-be dictator, Cook County Sheriff and hard-left Democrat political hack Tommy Dart, the Internet is forever.
Below we’ve posted the story he didn’t want you to see. The story he made phone calls to kill.
It didn’t stay dead for long though.
A flurry of outrage caused CBS Chicago to reconsider their earlier decision, but they amended the story to claim Dart has been carrying a gun for years, even though nobody has ever seen him with a gun. From Second City Cop:
UPDATE: CBS put the article back up around 2:04 this afternoon. They added a paragraph about how Dart has supposedly carried a gun for 7 years, but wouldn’t admit it when it was pointed out no one has seen him with a gun during that time frame.
The article also calls Dart a “former lawmaker,” meaning he has little (if any) law enforcement experience, but carries a gun simply because he’s a sheriff – like an aldercreature who can carry a gun by dint of being an elected official – but possibly without completing the mandatory firearms courses.
And all you peons who want a gun under the Second Amendment and Concealed Carry laws, well, you aren’t nearly as qualified as a politician says Dart.
Why did CBS Chicago pull the story down originally?
Well, they couldn’t very well say they did so as a favor to the Sheriff, now could they?
Again, from Second City Cop:
UPDATE II: Guess why the post went back up?
I called CBS Chicago about this. Seriously. I’m not joking about this. After an awkward pause after my initial question, the guy said “we realized the story was no longer timely and relevant.” He stuck to this explanation even after I told him that I know how the Chicago machine works. What a bunch of bullshit!
Second City Cop has all but declared a reward for any credible information on any credible threats against Tom Dart.
Here’s that story…
(CBS) – It is not unusual for a sheriff to be carrying a gun. In fact, it would be expected in some places.
But when Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart recently started carrying one on his belt, it was a bit unusual. So WBBM’s Mike Krauser asked him about it.
Dart – a former state lawmaker known for policy as much as anything else — said he’s been getting some unwanted attention, unfortunately.
The sheriff has had his life threatened.
“It’s been impressed upon me that I have five little kids, and I need to be around a bit,” Dart says. “So, I can’t just cavalierly just blow everything off.”
“It’s a little bit of a wake-up call, unfortunately,” he added. “I have no delusions of my abilities.”
The gun goes with the job, he says.
Seems to me that if Mr Dart feels a need to protect himself for his family’s sake,, he would be honest enough that every person should be granted the same opportunity. To do exactly the same. Especially to those of us that have had the training , and yes some of us have been carrying a gun for more years than he is old…–“”–
There are many cops who cannot shoot because of departmental budget constraints. Others are very proficient so it is safer to assume that cops can shoot.